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PUBLIC MARKS with tags bd & books


Bastien Vivès, le geek qui fait des bulles - - Bibliobs

by sbrothier
À 28 ans, ce fan des «Tortues ninja» et de «Street Fighter» est devenu la vedette de la BD, avec des albums pleins de poitrines abondantes. Portrait.

La vie de Steve Jobs - Manga - Editions Tonkam

by sbrothier & 1 other
1965. Steven Paul Jobs a tout juste dix ans. C’est un enfant farceur, intelligent et déjà passionné d’électronique. Il rencontre au lycée un autre Steve, Steve Wozniak, lui aussi passionné. En lisant un article du magazine Esquire, ils apprennent comment fabriquer un appareil permettant de passer gratuitement des appels longue distance en fraudant les compagnies téléphoniques. Les deux amis décident d’en produire et de les vendre 150 dollars dans leur lycée. C’est le début de la marque à la pomme qui s'étendra sur toute la surface du globe.

Vincent Sardon dit « Le Tampographe » en entretien vidéo chez artnet

by sbrothier
En sortant son livre Le Tampographe Sardon, « Le Tampographe » Sardon fait le bilan de ses dernières années de création. Le résultat est étonnant. Le livre est beau, bien fabriqué, certes, mais c’est l’esprit que draine ce travail qui est le plus impressionnant. Une authentique philosophie graphique.


Spaces Of Play

by sbrothier & 1 other
Touch Sensitive by Chris Ware


Les Causeries sont en ligne ! « Pierre Feuille Ciseaux

by sbrothier & 1 other
Voilà, cela a pris un peu de temps (il y a une seconde édition à préparer…), et en attendant une petite refonte du site pour vous présenter les choses à venir, un dernier billet pour vous informer de la mise en ligne des Causeries, que vous étiez quelques-uns à nous avoir demandé.



AVE!Comics, la bande dessinée numérique sur iPod, iPhone, téléphone portable ou ordinateur

by sbrothier
A mi-chemin entre la bande dessinée papier et le film d’animation, la solution Ave!Comics donne une nouvelle dimension à la lecture de bandes dessinées numériques sur ordinateurs, iPods ou télephones portables. Consultation, achat, échange et lecture nomade ne sont que quelques-uns des aspects d’une plateforme révolutionnaire dévoilée en janvier 2009 à l’occasion du Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême.

Raiju : genèse et dédicaces - labofurieux

by sbrothier
Voilà longtemps que je me passionne pour la mythologie et l'art japonais, et je crois que j'ai inoculé le virus à mon ami Loïc Sécheresse il y a 7 ans, en lui offrant un premier livre sur l'ukiyo-e. Je pressentais que son style entrerait immédiatement en résonance avec celui des grands maitres japonais de l'estampe. Sans moi, il y serait certainement venu de toutes façons. Il y a des rencontres qui sont inévitables. Aujourd'hui, il pratique le sabre et apprend le japonais et je n'y suis pour rien. Loïc et moi avons terminé "Tozoïd & Vula". Cette première publication nous a donné confiance. Je me sens désormais prêt à livrer d'autres univers, plus personnels, plus riches, plus complexes. Je vois Loïc s'intéresser de plus en plus à l'ukiyo-e. Je lui tricote donc "Raiju" sur mesure: l'histoire d'un escrimeur à tête de chat, doublé d'un dessinateur.


by sbrothier
Le Lezard Noir (Black Lizard) is a publishing company specialised in avant-garde mangas, artists books, photo books, children books, etc. mainly from japanese authors. The Book of Other People: Books: Zadie Smith

by sbrothier
Starred Review. "The instruction was simple: make somebody up," explains novelist Smith in her introduction to this marvelous compendium of 23 distinct, pungent stories that attack the question of "character" from all angles. From David Mitchell's hilarious rendering of one menopausal woman's fantasy internet love-affair to ZZ Packer's heart-wrenching Jewish guy-black girl romance, each story is, as Smith puts it, "its own thing entirely." There are moments of prosaic precision (Andrew O'Hagan's eerily incisive "Gordon" is introduced "in the talcum-powdered air of the bathroom muttering calculations and strange moral sums about the cause of Hamlet's unhappiness"), but this volume is more than a showcase for deft prose and quirky souls. Toby Litt's lovely, lyrical "Monster," for example, playfully upends notions of personhood, as does Dave Eggers' surprising "Theo," a moving tale of a mountain who falls in love. Also on hand are a number of wonderful graphic shorts: Daniel Clowe shrewdly explores an insufferable critic's solipsistic lapses, Nick Hornby's "A Writing Life" gives a knowing wink with a series of writer bios and mock headshots, and "Jordan Wellington Lint" by Chris Ware cleverly chronicles the first 13 years of its hero's life. With so much to savor-the sensuality of Adam Thirlwell's "Nigora," the knowingness of George Saunder's "Puppy"-this anthology will sate even the most famished short story fan. Sales benefit Eggers's nonprofit literary organization 826 NYC. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Favourite Comics and Art Books of 2007 » Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog

by sbrothier & 1 other
I’ve read a lot of great comics and graphic novels this year and I wanted to share some of my personal favourites. Please add your favourites to the comments so I know what to read next year! These are not in any order - just a bunch of stuff I really enjoyed.

Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics" - (37signals)

by sbrothier
Understanding Comics (Amazon link) is a 215-page comic book about comics that explains the inner workings of the medium. We recently chatted about it and how the concepts relate to online visual communication too (e.g. choosing what to include and what to leave out, guiding the reader’s eye, combining text and images for maximum impact, etc.).


Eros Comix & Fantagraphics Books

by sbrothier (via)
Wether you're looking for on-your-knees bondage, hot girl-on-girl action, or just plain fuck-happy vanilla smut; wether you want the latest Mangaerotica from Japan, the best of Italian eroticism, or archival pornographic Americana - regardless of what you're after in erotic comics, EROS has what you need, and then some !


hurlante nova mag 10 : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by hurlantenova & 2 others
3d accessibilité ajax animation apache api apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogging blogs book bookmark bookmarks books browser business cinema cms color css culture database design dev development dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd email extension feed firefox flash flickr font fonts forum france free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme greasemonkey hardware history hosting howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr accessibility ajax apple art article audio blog blogging blogs bookmarks books business cms comics community computer cool css culture daily database design development diy education entertainment firefox flash food free freeware fun funny game games gaming geek google graphics gtd hardware history howto html humor images inspiration internet ipod java javascript library lifehacks linux literature mac maps marketing media movies mp3 music news online opensource osx personal photo photography photos php podcast politics productivity programming python radio rails reference research resources reviews rss ruby rubyonrails safari_export science search security shopping social software sports tech technology tips tools toread travel tutorial tutorials tv video web web2.0 webdesign webdev wiki windows wishlist work writing xml library libre links linux mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile movie mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf photo photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politics politique programming python radio recherche reference rss ruby science search security shop shopping social software spam standards tag tags tech technology test tips tool tools travel tutorial tv video w3c web web2.0 webdesign wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest yahoo

hurlante nova mag 9 : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by hurlantenova (via)
3d accessibilité ajax animation apache api apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogging blogs book bookmark bookmarks books browser business cinema cms color css culture database design dev development dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd email extension feed firefox flash flickr font fonts forum france free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme greasemonkey hardware history hosting howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr accessibility ajax apple art article audio blog blogging blogs bookmarks books business cms comics community computer cool css culture daily database design development diy education entertainment firefox flash food free freeware fun funny game games gaming geek google graphics gtd hardware history howto html humor images inspiration internet ipod java javascript library lifehacks linux literature mac maps marketing media movies mp3 music news online opensource osx personal photo photography photos php podcast politics productivity programming python radio rails reference research resources reviews rss ruby rubyonrails safari_export science search security shopping social software sports tech technology tips tools toread travel tutorial tutorials tv video web web2.0 webdesign webdev wiki windows wishlist work writing xml library libre links linux mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile movie mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf photo photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politics politique programming python radio recherche reference rss ruby science search security shop shopping social software spam standards tag tags tech technology test tips tool tools travel tutorial tv video w3c web web2.0 webdesign wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest yahoo

hurlante nova mag 8 : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by hurlantenova
3d accessibilité ajax animation apache api apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogging blogs book bookmark bookmarks books browser business cinema cms color css culture database design dev development dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd email extension feed firefox flash flickr font fonts forum france free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme greasemonkey hardware history hosting howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr accessibility ajax apple art article audio blog blogging blogs bookmarks books business cms comics community computer cool css culture daily database design development diy education entertainment firefox flash food free freeware fun funny game games gaming geek google graphics gtd hardware history howto html humor images inspiration internet ipod java javascript library lifehacks linux literature mac maps marketing media movies mp3 music news online opensource osx personal photo photography photos php podcast politics productivity programming python radio rails reference research resources reviews rss ruby rubyonrails safari_export science search security shopping social software sports tech technology tips tools toread travel tutorial tutorials tv video web web2.0 webdesign webdev wiki windows wishlist work writing xml library libre links linux mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile movie mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf photo photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politics politique programming python radio recherche reference rss ruby science search security shop shopping social software spam standards tag tags tech technology test tips tool tools travel tutorial tv video w3c web web2.0 webdesign wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest yahoo

hurlante nova mag 7 (le retour) : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by hurlantenova
3d accessibilité ajax animation apache api apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogging blogs book bookmark bookmarks books browser business cinema cms color css culture database design dev development dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd email extension feed firefox flash flickr font fonts forum france free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme greasemonkey hardware history hosting howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr accessibility ajax apple art article audio blog blogging blogs bookmarks books business cms comics community computer cool css culture daily database design development diy education entertainment firefox flash food free freeware fun funny game games gaming geek google graphics gtd hardware history howto html humor images inspiration internet ipod java javascript library lifehacks linux literature mac maps marketing media movies mp3 music news online opensource osx personal photo photography photos php podcast politics productivity programming python radio rails reference research resources reviews rss ruby rubyonrails safari_export science search security shopping social software sports tech technology tips tools toread travel tutorial tutorials tv video web web2.0 webdesign webdev wiki windows wishlist work writing xml library libre links linux mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile movie mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf photo photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politics politique programming python radio recherche reference rss ruby science search security shop shopping social software spam standards tag tags tech technology test tips tool tools travel tutorial tv video w3c web web2.0 webdesign wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest yahoo

Ci dessous le resultats de votre recherche pour "jpg" : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks

by hurlantenova
3d accessibilité ajax animation apache api apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogging blogs book bookmark bookmarks books browser business cinema cms color css culture database design dev development dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd email extension feed firefox flash flickr font fonts forum france free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme greasemonkey hardware history hosting howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr accessibility ajax apple art article audio blog blogging blogs bookmarks books business cms comics community computer cool css culture daily database design development diy education entertainment firefox flash food free freeware fun funny game games gaming geek google graphics gtd hardware history howto html humor images inspiration internet ipod java javascript library lifehacks linux literature mac maps marketing media movies mp3 music news online opensource osx personal photo photography photos php podcast politics productivity programming python radio rails reference research resources reviews rss ruby rubyonrails safari_export science search security shopping social software sports tech technology tips tools toread travel tutorial tutorials tv video web web2.0 webdesign webdev wiki windows wishlist work writing xml library libre links linux mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile movie mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf photo photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politics politique programming python radio recherche reference rss ruby science search security shop shopping social software spam standards tag tags tech technology test tips tool tools travel tutorial tv video w3c web web2.0 webdesign wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest yahoo

best today link

by hurlantenova
best today link 3d accessibilité ajax animation apache api apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogging blogs book bookmark bookmarks books browser business cinema cms color css culture database design dev dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd email extension feed firefox flash flickr font fonts forum fr france free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme greasemonkey hardware history hosting howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr library libre links linux mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile movie mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf photo photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politics politique programming python radio recherche reference rss ruby science search security shop shopping social software spam standards tag tags tech technology test tips tool tools travel tutorial tv video w3c web web2.0 webdesign wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest yahoo

alphageek cyberdependant and soft nosex beauty

by hurlantenova
3d accessibilité ajax animation annuaire apache apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogs book bookmark bookmarks books business cinema cms color constitution css cuisine culture database design dev dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd développement email europe extension firefox flash flickr font fonts forum fr france français free fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme gratuit greasemonkey hardware howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr libre links linux logiciel mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf perl photo photoblog photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politique programming python radio rdf recherche reference ressources rss science search security site social software spam standards tag tags tech test tips tool tools tutorial tv ubuntu video w3c web webdesign weblog wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest xul yahoo

le cerveau collectif, une page qui revele l'ame humaine et les lacunes de google

by hurlantenova
3d accessibilité ajax animation apache apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogmarks blogs book bookmark bookmarks books business cinema cms color constitution cool css cuisine culture database design dev dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd développement email europe extension firefox flash flickr font fonts forum fr france français free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme gratuit greasemonkey hardware howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr libre links linux logiciel mac magazine mail maps media microsoft mobile mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online p2p paris pdf perl photo photoblog photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politique programming python radio rdf recherche reference ressources rss science search security site social software spam standards tag tags tech test tips tool tools tutorial tv ubuntu unix video w3c web webdesign weblog wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest xul yahoo

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag bd

art +   arte +   bd digitale +   books +   coffee +   comics +   du9 +   edition +   ipad +   iphone +   magazine +   mobile +   online application +   reportage +   storytelling +  

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