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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "best practices" & code


Enduring CSS: writing style sheets for rapidly changing, long-lived projects - Author and responsive web developer Ben Frain

by Spone
When architecting CSS for a large scale project it’s a common aim to abstract visual patterns for re-use, DRY out code and normalise our designs as much as possible. However, for rapidly changing projects, I’m no longer convinced those principles should necessarily be followed to the nth degree, nor that they offer the biggest wins. This post describes what I consider the most advantageous practices and approaches when authoring CSS for a rapidly changing, large scale web project.



7 Reasons To Hate Your Code « yield thought

by ghis
"Incompetence is the cause of many ills in the software world, but increasingly I’m seeing a certain kind of competence as being just as destructive. You see, there are a lot of programmers who care deeply about their code. I did, but it turns out there are good reasons we shouldn’t do that; reasons why we should hate our code…"

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