public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & yahoo!


Yahoo! tente de concurrencer Facebook avec Yahoo! Updates | ReadWriteWeb France

by parmentierf
Yahoo! Updates est le nom du nouveau concurrent de Facebook Connect. Après Google FriendConnect et MySpace ID, Yahoo veut aussi jouer dans cette catégorie.


365 yodels and counting - Yodel Anecdotal

by kuroyagi
Happy 1st Birthday, Yodel Anecdotal!


Blogging Faux Pas

by kuroyagi
Jennifer Slegg, of JenSense offers tips on how to help keep your blog neat and clean for a better user experience, longer-term readership and consistent revenues.

Yahoo! Publisher Network » Blog Archive » Get Remembered

by kuroyagi
Yahoo! Timecapsule: open to all until November 8, 2006

Yahoo! Publisher Network » Blog Archive » Publish!

by vista
We know that for the Yahoo! Publisher Network to be successful, publishers need to be successful, too. So we started the Yahoo! Publisher Network blog to: * Give publishers – you folks – a voice in the evolution of the Yahoo! Publisher Network and its products. * Build a place where you can come and learn about the latest updates and enhancements to the Network * Showcase your work and your contributions to making Yahoo! Publisher Network what is today – and to what it will become tomorrow * Provide a community space where you can learn from other publishers how to be a better one yourself


Active users

last mark : 12/03/2009 21:36

last mark : 06/03/2009 15:09

last mark : 02/08/2007 03:30

last mark : 12/04/2006 04:32

last mark : 09/04/2006 14:31

last mark : 27/03/2005 05:17