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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "mac os x"


Virtualiser MacOSX sous Linux | Macsim's Mind

by eledo34 (via)
J’avais eu un faux espoir en lisant ce post du très bon blog en effet la virtualisation de Mac OS X ne fonctionne que sur un hôte Mac OS X, toutefois je n’aime pas être frustré et encore moins par un pc. Alors je suis parti en quête d’une solution pour virtualiser Mac OS X et pouvoir faire tous les tests réseau et autre dessus, voici donc comment faire.

: : Mac OS X facile : : Installer

by dpansu
osition. Time Machine : Permet de faire des sauvegardes


Le code source (partiel) de Snow Leopard

by pac-recrutement

Pour les plus velus technophiles, les programmeurs ou les Unixiens barbus (amitié, respect, paix et amour à leur endroit !), Apple a rendu disponible une partie du code source de Snow Leopard.

Pour l'heure, pas de Kernel (XNU) rendu public mais, contrairement aux craintes de la "communauté" hackintosh, Apple assure qu'elle rendra aussi cette partie du code disponible prochainement.


Command Time Machine : Make Mac Work

by Adri1bip (via)
With it's spacey presentation and it's promise of effortless data safety, Time Machine is the marquee feature of OS X Leopard, mentioned in every review as worth the price of the upgrade alone. While the ability to minimize data loss on any machine is fantastic, Time Machine presents some unique challenges for the people tasked with maintaining those machines. The minimal configuration options that make Time Machine so easy to use can also make it hard to control. Fortunately, there are more tools available than are exposed in the graphical interface.

MOONGIFT: » ことえりからの脱却「MacUIM」:オープンソースを毎日紹介

by kuroyagi
"それでも漢字TalkやMac OS8/9時代に比べれば改善したという話もあるが、今はベースがUnix。他の古参の入力システムに乗り換えることだってできるのだ。さあ、ことえりから脱出しよう。"


林信行の「Leopard」に続く道 第7回:Macを新時代へといざなうOS——「Leopard」が変える未来 (1/4) - ITmedia D PC USER

by kuroyagi

OpenType Font Cache Cleaner

by rike_
The Mac OS X 10.4.7 update for Tiger seems to have introduced a font-handling bug that affects the use of OpenType fonts in certain applications such as QuarkXPress 6.x, Macromedia FreeHand, and possibly others. The bug can cause those applications to crash when they try to work with OpenType fonts, and can also lead to a general instability in other applications as well. Many users have found that using Font Finagler to clean the font cache files seems to alleviate the crashing problems at least temporarily.

Video Conferencing with iChat AV

by _Nico
Video Conferencing with iChat AV

Latest Mac OS X Tip of the Week

by giggiolo
If you've glanced at new Mac OS X, you might have noticed that it's been revamped with a whole new look. The recent change of Mac OS X has been significantly enhanced with key advantages in the area of interface. You'll now find a new Apple menu really speed, Resize digital photo images for Email and much more.

Windows Vista did not copy Mac

by kooolman
Meuuuuh non ils n'ont pas tout copié, allez hein, soyez pas de mauvaise foi, tsss !

Drift Diary12: mixidock

by kuroyagi & 1 other


Fonts on the Mac

by kapoek
Article describing current and historical practices regarding the Apple Macintosh’s approach to typefaces, including font management and fonts included with each system revision.

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