public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rike_

January 2009

Tools to delete files securely in ubuntu Linux

Deleting a file or reformatting a disk does not destroy your sensitive data. The data can easily be undeleted. That’s a good thing if you accidentally throw something away, but what if your trying to destroy financial data, bank account passwords, or classified company information. In this article you will learn number of tools to delete files securely in ubuntu.

Political Memory - La Quadrature du Net

Political Memory is a toolbox designed to help you reach members of European Parliament (MEPs), and track their voting records. We hope it will help citizens to get to better know their elected representatives, and to allow them to inform them on the issues covered by La Quadrature du Net.

December 2008

Ephroyables citations | Le Grand Barnum

- N. Sarkozy, après sa grotesque visite à Rungis et sa tentative de renouer avec l’hyperactivité de ses débuts, prévient qu’il s’adresse à : "la France qui travaille, se lève tôt, ne casse pas les abribus, ne manifeste pas et a les mêmes problèmes que les autres."

Quickfix: Ubuntu Hardy dual monitor with Intel 945GM troubles - can’t escape Clone mode « jb’s open source blog

with Intel 945GM, Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy, the external VGA monitor is always cloned. Going into System->Preference->Screen Resolution lets you alter the resolution of the LCD and the external monitor, but it stays cloned whether “Clone Screens” is checked or not. Putting monitor to the left or right of the LCD does nothing (stays cloned). However, putting monitor above or below LCD does work (two desktops, one on top of the other).

Chutes I - en pdf - Revue Enculer

Chutes I est un magazine de graphisme expérimental dans lequel huit plasticiens dont le travail explore des domaines frontaliers au dessin ont confié à L.L. de Mars leurs travaux, en acceptant qu’ils soient happés par une machinerie visuelle jouant d’eux comme d’autants d’éléments destinés à intégrer une fresque de cent pages

Remboursement de l'OS acheté avec un ordinateur à la FNAC

by 1 other
Les ordinateurs vendus à la Fnac sont fournis avec un système d’exploitation préinstallé indispensable à leur fonctionnement. Les fabricants complètent le système d’exploitation en y ajoutant les logiciels nécessaires aux composants (pilotes) propres à chaque modèle, ce qui permet un usage complet de toutes ses fonctionnalités.


by 3 others (via)
I've searched the web quite a bit for a good log analysis tool for Subversion and didn't find any good project. Since we use Subversion where I work I wanted to see who made most commits, who changed how many lines and get some nice looking graphs that would show progress in the project. Then I realised that svn --xml -v log returns XML, which is really easy to parse.


This is a compilation of Cress covers. It's totally d.i.y. and for free - the way punk should be.

CSS Layouts: A collection of 168 Grid and CSS Layouts

by 12 others
These CSS Layouts offer full Grade-A browser support. That means that these CSS Layouts will look and behave the same in all internet browsers, like Internet Explores 6 (IE6), Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), Firefox, Opera, Safari and so on.

you thought we wouldn’t notice

by 1 other
site dedicated to pointing out those things that give you that feeling of 'haven't I seen that somewhere before?"

24 ways: Easing The Path from Design to Development

by 1 other
Based on that experience, I’ve put together my checklist of things that designers should consider before handing their work over to a developer to build.

November 2008

Yahoo! UI Library: YUI Compressor

by 3 others
Starting with version 2.0, the YUI Compressor is also able to compress CSS files by using a port of Isaac Schlueter's regular-expression-based CSS minifier.

minify - Google Code

by 11 others
a PHP5 app that can combine multiple CSS or Javascript files, compress their contents (i.e. removal of unnecessary whitespace/comments), and serve the results with HTTP encoding (gzip/deflate) and headers that allow optimal client-side caching.

XMLittré - le dictionnaire Littré en ligne

by 20 others
Ce site propose une version interrogeable en ligne du dictionnaire de la langue française d'Émile Littré. Cet ouvrage a été publié à partir de 1863, puis dans sa deuxième édition en 1872-1877.

October 2008

by 14 others
Rotterdam-based photographer Ari Versluis and stylist Ellie Uyttenbroek have worked together since October 1994. Inspired by a shared interest in the striking dress codes of various social groups, they have systematically documented numerous identities over the last 13 years. Rotterdam's heterogeneous, multicultural street scene remains a major source of inspiration for Ari Versluis and Ellie Uyttenbroek, although since 1998 they have also worked in cities abroad.

Dico des kanji japonais - Les gakushuu kanji

by 1 other
Il s'agit d'une liste de 1006 kanji que tout écolier japonais se doit de connaître lorsqu'il termine son 1er cycle d'étude élémentaire. Ils sont regroupés par année correspondant à des niveaux de difficulté croissant.

George Orwell - Complete works, Biography, Quotes, Essays

Welcome to, a site dedicated to George Orwell. This site contains the complete works of George Orwell, as well as a biography, pictures and famous quotes.

smush it!

by 3 others
Performance just got a little bit easier. Optimizing images by hand is time consuming and painful. Smush it does it for you.

LLOW - Languages of the World - LanguageServer - University of Graz

The LLOW-database is work in progress and this version is restricted to what you see and what you get. The ultimate aim is to arrive at an extensive description of all languages of the world on the basis of linguistic-genetic (language families, clusters, ...) and sociolinguistic (status as official language, minority language, ...) criteria as well as social-, geopolitical and geographical parameters (number of speakers, geographical extension, ...). In addition to this literature references, internet-links, short texts on the individual language families and groups as well as text- and audio samples of individual languages will be offered.

Barelyfocused » Flash Vorbis player

FVorbis. Which stands for more or less “Ogg and Vorbis in Flash”. That’s right, pure ActionScript 3 implementation of the Ogg and Vorbis libraries that require no kind of native support from the Flash Player. A simple Vorbis player implemented using the new FVorbis lib compiles to about 46KB SWF file. And that’s it.


by 1 other
Ce qui se joue dans les villes touche à l’organisation sociale, politique, économique de nos sociétés, à notre rapport à la nature, à la citoyenneté. En ce sens, elles sont travaillées par les mêmes contradictions, les mêmes interrogations sur le devenir des sociétés contemporaines quant à leur capacité de pilotage politique notamment. S’intéresser aux villes et aux métropoles, c’est questionner et analyser les tendances lourdes qui conduisent à une remise en question des mécanismes sociaux, économiques et politiques fondateurs du « vivre ensemble ».

September 2008

60 modèles de navigation commentés des bonnes pratiques d’ergonomie, de référencement et d’accessibilité

by 3 others
Pour l’anniversaire du livre, la description et nos recommandations autour des 60 modèles de navigation est accessible en html grâce aux liens ci-dessous. Experts du web, webmasters en herbe, utilisateurs, venez débattre, argumenter, poser vos questions, donner votre avis, commenter quoi (!) sur les modèles de navigation.

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