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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blogger & greasemonkey

January 2006

Categorize for Blogger

by YukuanBlog & 1 other
用 Blogger 來寫網誌的好處是自由,可以自訂格式,可以一個帳號管理多個 blogs 。缺點是很多東西都要捲起袖子來自己動手作,別家有提供的一些基本的東東,例如網誌分類(Categorize)等,Blogger 都繳了白卷。

Greasemonkey Script updated to work with BlogThis! - Freshblog

by YukuanMark
Many thanks to Johan, who has revised his excellent Greasemonkey Tagging Script to interface with the new Blogger Blogthis! It sounds like it was abig deal because blogger shook things up in the back room when they redid the tool.

Blogger Blogthis! Upgrade - Freshblog

by YukuanMark
Looks like Blogthis! got an upgrade? I almost fell off my chair tonight when I was presented with a full range of rich-text editing options and an interface that looks & feels very much like being logged into your regular account. Pretty slick!!

Blogger post tagging update | Good service provider practices

by ecmanaut
2006-01-03 23:01

Blogger Blogthis! Upgrade - Freshblog

by ecmanaut
We both did. Where the Google Reader people are Greasemonkey friendly and generally housebroken, the Blogger people certainly are not, randomly spray changing name and id attributes all over the place, always restructuring, rarely if ever reusing the same

December 2005

Tag Adder Bug Knocked Out - Freshblog

by YukuanMark (via)
Jasper reports that he's modified the Browservulsel tag-adder script so that it will now paste tags into the compose side of the window as well as the edit posts side. Awesome. The longer we go, the more integrated the tools get. Spectacular.

Greasemonkey Method: Update for Firefox 1.5 and Greasemonkey 0.6.4 - Freshblog

by ecmanaut
Excellent and to-the-point summary! I think I'll write a small follow-up on <a href="" >how to style the tags list to get nice little icons</a> the way

Blogger categorizer script

by ecmanaut
<i>I had no problems with this script using Firefox 1.5rc3 and Greasemonkey 0.6.3, but it does not work for me using final 1.5 and Greasemonkey 0.6.4.</i><br><br>I have not run this for some time, after having moved on to the <a href="

November 2005


by kalley & 1 other
用Blogger的FTP功能把日志存放在自己的服务器上 Haloscan提供Trackback功能 用Furl可以支持日志分类/舍弃Feed2Js 用Greasemonkey为日志加上Technorati的Tags

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