January 2006
game girl advance: The Five Biggest Trends of 2005
by bcpbcpThe end of the year is upon us, and enough blogs and news sites have already written great articles on the best games of the year. Therefore, instead of being lost amongst the white noise of award features, I'd like to point out a few trends which I felt were especially important during 2005.
November 2005
10 Most Powerful Women in Blogging ยป Jack of All Blogs
by bcpbcp (via)Keeping to our policy of being controversial and well just plain silly. We rank the 10 most powerful women in the blogging industry
October 2005
Deep Thoughts at Web 2.0
by bcpbcp & 1 otherOur definition of a feed that mattered, out of the millions of blogs and other sites with feeds out there, was one with at least one subscriber on Bloglines.
(4 marks)