public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags bookmarks & collaboratif


pearltrees What's hot

by parmentierf & 4 others (via)
pearltrees is a free social service that let you create the living map of the web.


A Recommender System for the DSpace Open Repository Platform

by parmentierf (via)
We present Quambo, a recommender system add-on for the DSpace open source repository platform. We explain how Quambo generates content recommendations based upon a user selected set of examples, our approach to presenting content recommendations to the user, and our experiences applying the system to a repository of technical reports. We consider how Quambo could be combined with the peer-federated DSpace add-on to extend the item-space from which recommendations can be generated; a larger item-space could improve the diversity of the set from which to make recommendations. We also consider how Quambo could be extended to add collaboration opportunities to DSpace.


About Google Shared Stuff

by parmentierf (via)
The Google Email/Share button allows you to easily share or email any web-page with your friends. Your shared stuff page is publicly visible and allows you to share stuff with your friends and on the web.


UnSpun by Amazon: Community Opinions ... Ranked!

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Find the Best, Find the Worst, Vote Your Opinion, Create Your Own Lists


by parmentierf & 6 others (via)
BibSonomy is a system for sharing bookmarks and lists of literature. When discovering a bookmark or a publication on the web, you can store it on our server. You can add tags to your entry to retrieve it more easily. This is very similar to the bookmarks/favorites that you store within your browser. The advantage of BibSonomy is that you can access your data from whereever you are. Furthermore, you can discover more bookmarks and publications from your friends and other people.


by parmentierf & 29 others (via)
Users clip interesting things they find on the web. The community determines what is most clipworthy. Everyone enjoys the best of the web in clip-size portions. Un Google Notebook avec un aspect collaboratif en plus?

IT Ligentia - Blog sur la veille et la recherche d informations » Google coopère

by parmentierf
Google Co-op, comment ça marche ? Il permet à des utilisateurs ou des entreprises de confiance (c’est-à-dire ayant une bonne réputation ou ayant fait leurs preuves dans leur domaine) de partager avec d’autres utilisateurs la pertinence des résultats de Google en les associant avec des labels (qui feront ici office de catégorie, soit le mini clustering de Google). Une recherche dans Google Co-op sur un thème précis permettra d’obtenir de nombreuses catégories vous permettant d’affiner vos recherche. Le critère qualité, c’est la pertinence des catégories, qui ont été validées manuellement par des utilisateurs expérimentés. Ceux-ci sont d’ailleurs rémunérés en Ad-Words gratuits pour les remercier de leur investissements.

Yoono, People Powered

by parmentierf & 5 others
Un service de social bookmarking, apparemment basé sur le collaboratif et la découverte d'"experts". Il permet aussi l'écriture pour une communauté, la prise de notes sur un site, la suggestion de sites web proches...


by noelopan & 62 others
Répertoire de bookmarks collaboratif - Possibilité de voter sur la qualité du site.


by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
Meta moteur de tags qui va chercher du contenu dans des sites spécialisés dans les tags (comme, Flickr ou encore Technorati).


by parmentierf & 33 others
Wink finds the best results discovered by people like you. If you're using services like Digg, Furl, Slashdot, or Yahoo! MyWeb, this is your search engine.


Jookster - Search, Find, Share

by parmentierf & 9 others (via)
Jookster is a powerful search engine that ranks results based on sites you and your network finds of value. With Jookster, you are able to search the web and find relevant results based on jooked sites by you and your network of friends. In return when you see a great site, you can jook and instantly share it with your network.

Netvouz - Online Social Bookmark Manager - Organize, Tag and Share your bookmarks

by parmentierf & 27 others (via)
The idea behind Netvouz is that you should always have access to your bookmarks. Regardless if you are at your computer at home, at work, in school, at a friend's place or outdoors surfing from your cell phone. By keeping your bookmarks on Netvouz you always have instant access to them, regardless of where you are and which computer you are using! On Netvouz you can also be social and share your bookmarks with other users and, of course, also benefit from other users' bookmarks. It's a great way to find new great web sites in your areas of interest!

Blogmarks (2) [Mercredi]

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
L'utilisation de BlogMark par l'auteur du blog. Comparaison avec

Site Submission MultiTool- Alan's Marklet Maker

by parmentierf & 79 others (via)
Vous passez votre temps à jongler entre, Spurl, Furl et autre Blogmarks? Alors ce service est fait pour vous. Il vous permet de créer un bookmarklet personnalisé prenant en compte les différents services de bookmarking social auxquels vous êtes abonné. Lorsque vous souhaitez enregistrer un page vous n'avez plus qu'à cliquer sur ce bookmarklet qui ouvrira vos différents comptes. Bien vu.

Nextaris -- your Universal Medium for Information Access and Exchange through Convergence of Practical Tools for Using the Web

by parmentierf & 5 others (via)
Nextaris is an entirely new concept; an all- in-one set of web-based tools for searching the Web, capturing content, saving/sharing files, publishing blogs, messaging and networking.



by parmentierf & 13 others
Online bookmark manager. Share your bookmarks with others...

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag bookmarks

collaboratif +   dspace +   métadonnées +   recommandations +  

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last mark : 27/05/2009 14:12

last mark : 12/04/2006 08:03