March 2007
Internet Archive: Details: Jeff Hawkins, Numenta: "Prospects and Problems of Cortical Theory"
by ogrisel (via)Jeff Hawkins, Numenta: "Prospects and Problems of Cortical Theory". This is the 10th and final talk given at the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
July 2006
ROBOKONEKO (Kitten Robot)
by YukuanMarkThe main aim of ATR's CAM-Brain Project is to build/grow/evolve an artificial brain by 2001 with a billion artificial neurons.
by YukuanMarkDesign of digital electronic circuits is a complex task requiring knowledge of a large collection of domain-specific rules.
by YukuanMark上月離開美國,被譽為「人工大腦」領域先驅的美國猶他州州立大學計算機系教授雨果‧德‧加里斯博士抵漢,成為武漢大學全職教授,受聘該校國際軟件學院國際人工智能研究室主任。
Modeling Neural Development
by YukuanMarkThis original and timely collection is one of the first books to study neural development using computational and mathematical modeling. Modeling provides precise and exact ways of expression, which allow us to go beyond the insights that intuitive or com
World in My Mind, My Mind in the World
by YukuanMarkNot consciousness, but knowledge of consciousness: that is what this book communicates in a fascinating way. Consciousness is the thread that links the disappearing gorilla with the octopus suffering from a stomach ache, and the person under anaesthetic w
June 2006
Putting your brain on a microchip
by YukuanMarkDespite false starts, cognitive computing research is finally bearing fruit, and billions of pounds of research is flowing in.
On Intelligence - Welcome
by YukuanMarkWelcome to, the companion Web site for the book On Intelligence. If you liked the book, want to learn more about the book or want to discuss the book with others, this web resource is for you.
Numenta, Inc.
by YukuanMark & 1 otherNumenta is developing a new type of computer memory system modeled after the human neocortex. The applications of this technology are broad and can be applied to solve problems in computer vision, artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning. Th
Memory-prediction framework
by YukuanMarkThe memory-prediction framework is a theory of brain function that was created by Jeff Hawkins and described in his book On Intelligence. This theory concerns the role of the hippocampus, neocortex, and the thalamus in matching sensory inputs to stored me
創智慧(On Intelligence)
by YukuanMark智慧究竟是什麼?二十多年來人工智慧和神經網路等想要模擬人類智慧的嘗試失敗,正是因為他們沒有先了解什麼是智慧。霍金斯提出一個強有力的理論,解釋人類大腦是怎樣運作以及為什麼他
May 2006
by YukuanMark在二十一世紀的某一天,人類將開始學習如何與具有七情六慾的電腦相處。以前人們眼中冰冷的機器,將隨著進化的巨輪演變成人性化的獨立自主個體。人類創造電腦,而電腦最後卻可能控制人
January 2006
The Silicon Eye
by YukuanBlog在〈The fitness of things〉文末提到的《矽眼》,我這個月初在網路上得知此書,於 8 號溜到政大書城購買,當天就熬夜將它閱讀完畢、畫上重點、附上書籤。原本想個評介的,想想還是把我批註的部份整理整理,將內文摘錄摘錄就好:
November 2005
Re: 人的智慧
by YukuanBlog這樣也是說得通,我只是覺得:理性跟感性的基礎結構是相同的,這就好像一張紙的兩面。或是對一個物體的不同視角。也好像物理上粒子和波動的二重性。端看您從哪個角度觀察,其所呈現出來的特性也就不同。
April 2005
(22 marks)