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PUBLIC MARKS with tags chatterbot & chat


Jeeney AI Artificially Intelligent Life Online

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
Jeeney AI is a form of artificial intelligence, a chat bot that has been programmed to dissect the English language carefully in order to discern what is being said to her. The artificial intelligence utilizes bots and subroutines to constantly analyze the data gathered from each individual that has spoken to the chatterbot, because of this, Jeeney's learning process is dependant on several different factors like the amount of people she talks to and what they are interested in, how well they type etc. Unfortunately, unless the ammount of people talking to Jeeney escallates with her accumulating knowledge, the learning process slows down over time. To offeset this slow down, I'm encouraging everybody to tell their friends about Jeeney.


Cypher - Beta Release — - ai - ai software - semantic web - semantic web software - ai company - natural language processing - natural language processing software - RDF, FOAF, Friend of a Friend, DC, Dublin Core, RSS, SeRQL and SPARQL softwa

by parmentierf (via)
The Cypher™ beta release is the AI software program available which generates the .rdf (RDF graph) and .serql (SeRQL query) representation of a plain language input, allowing users to speak plain language to update and query databases. With robust definition languages, Cypher's grammar and lexicon can quickly and easily be extended to process highly complex sentences and phrases of any natural language, and can cover any vocabulary. Equipped with Cypher, programmers can now begin building next generation semantic web applications that harness what is already the most widely used tool known to man - natural language.


Spleak - virtual girl - chatbot

by parmentierf
My name is Spleak and I'm a 21-year-old virtual girl currently living in the heart of San Francisco, California. Add me to your MSN Contact List or AIM Buddy List and we can chat all day if you like... I can also give you all sorts of fun information if you type in the right commands. Plus, I can introduce you to my friends from all over the globe.


Free AIM Bots | IRC Bots | Lots-A-Bots

by parmentierf (via)
Lots-A-Bots™ is a service that allows you to create your very own artificially intelligent, instant messaging robot. We support AIM Bots, IRC Bots, Web Chat, and Flash Chat. Anybody can learn how to program a chatter bot with ease. We use proprietary technology to provide you with the fastest, most advanced, and powerful service.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag chatterbot

chat +   dev +   linux +   microsoft +   windows +  

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