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PUBLIC MARKS with tag contexte


Review: Google Translate for iPhone -- you speak one language, the app speaks it back in another language - iPhone J.D.

by night.kame

For example, make sure your the app is in English to French mode, press one button in the app, say to your iPhone "where is the train station," and then a second later your iPhone displays "où est la gare" and you can tap one button to have that spoken in French so that the person in Paris can hear and understand you and point in a direction.

Si à Paris on me demande "où est la gare", je réponds "quelle gare ?" !


Le Figaro : Renault, champion des conversations sur les blogs

by dimelo & 1 other
Menée sur les 110 premières marques de l'Hexagone, elle révèle que 30,4 % des 100 premières réponses obtenues en cherchant une marque sur Google sont des messages émis par des consommateurs. Le contenu «officiel» des marques arrive derrière avec 27,4 % des réponses, suivi de 24,3 % de liens appartenant à leurs distributeurs et 12 % de contenu des médias. Les marques maîtrisent ainsi moins d'un tiers de ce qui se dit à leur propos sur Internet !

Are you Listening? | Rob the Geek

by dimelo
“Social media is a grand experiment,” Dell’s Jarvis said. “It has a future. I don’t see it crashing down. Social interaction, communities and participation are absolutely the fabric of the Web. Our challenge is how do we leverage those best for our customers.”

Americans Expect Companies to Have a Presence in Social Media

by dimelo
When asked about specific types of interactions, Americans believe: Companies should use social networks to solve my problems (43%) Companies should solicit feedback on their products and services (41%) Companies should develop new ways for consumers to interact with their brand (37%) Companies should market to consumers (25%)

Michael Dell 'Friends' his customers

by dimelo
The next phase of Dell's listening campaign has been to go beyond damage control and into building better products. During a recent chat, the CEO was eager to show me a laptop his company developed with customer input. Engineers get a lot of their feedback the old-fashioned way, hand-delivering early models to major buyers. But they also pick over a Dell site called IdeaStorm early in the development of a project for a sense of what the masses care about. The site lets anyone sign in and offer suggestions - and vote other people's ideas up or down. If you've ever used the wisdom-of-crowds social network Digg, you get the idea. "Now you go to IdeaStorm and type in any keyword you can think of that has anything to do with what you're working on, and see what people are saying," says Dell.

VatorNews - Closing the Engagement Gap

by dimelo
A few weeks ago, I discussed the 2008 Tribalization of Business Study, sponsored by Beeline Labs, Deloitte, and the Society for New Communications Research, to discuss the gap between the importance many enterprises attribute to the development of communities and the accompanying investment in that engagement strategy, whether focused on internal stakeholders, or externally on customers. I noted that the findings of the Tribalization study point to a Community Gap.

TNS Sofres - Résultats de la 5e édition du Podium de la Relation Client

by dimelo
Outre la mise en place de dispositifs de veille permettant une meilleure réactivité, les entreprises peuvent utiliser ces espaces d’expression pour réaliser de la co-création ou du co-design de produits sur des suggestions faites par leurs clients. C’est un gisement important et insoupçonné d’innovation : 25% des internautes interrogés se déclarent tout à fait intéressés pour intégrer une communauté autour d’une entreprise.

"White-Label" Social Networking to Hit the Enterprise

by dimelo
Aima, the analyst behind the report "Grown Up? White Label Social Networking Targeting the Enterprise," says that although the "white-label market" -- in which vendors create unbranded applications for use by a wide range of corporate users -- is in its early stages when it comes to social networking, the potential demand is high: ABI forecasts that the market will be worth nearly $1.3 billion in 2013.

BuzzMachine » Blog Archive » Starbucks listens - at last

by dimelo
Following Dell’s Ideastorm, Starbucks has no opened a forum — also powered by — where customers can make suggestions then discuss and vote on them. Starbucks, of all companies, with its loyal and opinionated customers, should have been doing this years ago. Every company should be doing it now.

Do Startup Companies Need Community Managers ?

by dimelo (via)
I firmly believe that the community manager should be one of the first hires - right after a solid engineering group and before you invest in corporate marketing people

Marketing participatif : tout le monde s'y met mais c'est un boulot de pro...

by dimelo & 1 other
Le marketing participatif séduit donc mais gare aux dérives. Chevrolet en a fait les frais en lançant sur Youtube une opération dont la vidéo la plus vue est une vidéo qui explique à quel point la marque pollue avec ses gros 4×4… La problématique majeure c’est d’abord d’avoir une communauté qui peut répondre de façon qualitative à la demande ce qui est parfois laborieux surtout au démarrage d’un concours.

Qu'est-ce que l'Atelier? | Atelier SFR

by dimelo
L’Atelier SFR est un site Web et bientôt mobile qui donne la parole aux clients SFR sur tous les nouveaux concepts de services, et vous permet de tester toutes les innovations SFR.

Qu'est-ce qu'un Community Manager ? -

by dimelo
Le Community Manager a donc les fonctions suivantes : il va modérer en interne les discussions et les animer, au sein d'un forum, sur un blog, et sur tous les outils générant un contenu utilisateur sur le site.

Quand le feedback client devient la source d'alimentation du CRM

by dimelo
Il y a fort à parier que l’Entreprise Feedback Management (EFM) gagne très rapidement une place centrale. Car qui mieux que le client lui-même est susceptible de fournir l’information pertinente pour mieux le connaître ?

A year later, sales of Linux on Dell computers continue to grow

by dimelo
The Linux-on-Dell idea emerged in February 2007, after CEO Michael Dell debuted a new company-hosted blog called IdeaStorm, where customer could offer ideas and input on prospective new products and services. More than 100,000 people posted comments about wanting to see the company sell computers straight from the factory with Linux preloaded.

My Starbucks Idea

by dimelo & 5 others
You know better than anyone else what you want from Starbucks. So tell us. What’s your Starbucks Idea? Revolutionary or simple—we want to hear it. Share your ideas, tell us what you think of other people’s ideas and join the discussion. We’re here, and we’re ready to make ideas happen. Let’s get started.

Can CRM Handle Web 2.0?

by dimelo
Now, so is Starbucks. Through MyStarbucksIdea, the company proposes to take suggestions from customers on what changes they would like to see Starbucks (Nasdaq: SBUX) make, Collier says in his post. The community then votes on their favorites and provides comments. Collier thinks the site is a great idea -- and fervently hopes Starbucks doesn't flub it. He's not casting aspersions on the firm. He just believes, in general, that few companies are prepared to handle an onslaught of advice from their customers.

Starbucks’ Bright Idea: Launch a Social Network.

by dimelo
Unlike other companies that have hoped to present social media tools for gaining free consults from their customers while also presenting new information to consumers, Starbucks is very straightforward with its desire to take your ideas into consideration.

SaaStream: Changing your marketing mindset: 12 steps to the interactive future

by dimelo
Today, marketing is exploding with possibilities but also complexities as it reaches out into new forms of communication channels and increasingly engaging media. Marketers have an exceptional opportunity to use these new tools to reach their audience, even in a fragmented world. It is becoming essential for marketers to understand the context of the "new marketing", and prioritise what they need to do to develop customer engagement, build communities and maximise profit in a time of marketing confusion. Online and interactive marketing initiatives should indeed be considered as an effective divergence from traditional marketing mediums as marketers have the opportunity to engage customers in a "conversation" that is not just steered toward standardised product messaging.

Denis Gancel (W&Cie) : "Les marques ne dialoguent pas assez avec leurs publics"

by dimelo & 1 other
Oui, mais ce dialogue souterrain existe depuis longtemps. Internet ne fait que le faire remonter à la surface. Cela fait une dizaine d'années que le public cherche à se faire une opinion par d'autres sources d'informations que les marques elles-mêmes. Or en parallèle, on note un silence assourdissant des marques face à ce qu'il se dit sur elles. En fait, Internet les met devant un choix simple : continuer à être autistes ou sortir de leur mutisme.


Le marketing d'influence doit prendre appui sur les 15-34 ans

by dimelo & 1 other
L'étude NetObserver démontre la croissance de la production de contenu généré par les utilisateurs, sous la poussée des 15-34 ans. Ceci a une influence sur la réputation des marques, des produits et des services, dans la mesure où la consommation de ce type de contenu progresse en parallèle. Ainsi, si plus de 15 % des internautes ont donné leur avis sur un produit ou un service au cours des 6 derniers mois dans les pays étudiés (notamment 28 % des hommes de 15-34 ans au Royaume-Uni), ils sont encore plus nombreux à consulter des avis (notamment 45 % des hommes de 15-34 ans en France, 37 % des internautes de 15 ans et plus), et plus de 43 % à se fier "souvent" aux avis des internautes avant d'acheter (notamment 61 % des hommes de 15-34 ans en France).

Dell Service Jumps from Zero to Hero

by dimelo
For Dell it has a happy ending. Dell started listening to its customers, giving conversations with them and turned things around.  It has totally changed the way they think about their customer relationships.

Branding in an age of User-Driven Innovation and P2P Production at TRENDWATCH DAILY

by dimelo
Opening a two-way (community-brand) flow of communication is the starting point to benefit from all the value brought by the network. Brands should engage more in opening up authentic conversations, in order to create reputation and trust, instead of either remaining passive witnesses of this phenomenon or goofily entering the world of social networks.

Consumers have voice on Web 2.0 - International Herald Tribune

by dimelo
Companies everywhere are monitoring blogs and other online discussions for feedback on their brands, providing them with information about coming products and placing "viral" advertisements on video-sharing sites.

Mass collaboration - some big changes are underway

by dimelo
there are some pretty fundamental changes happening to the way we do business. Driving all these changes is the notion that innovation happens faster when you open up and let the whole world help you - and if you can harvest that innovation your company will win out. This is happening now because the internet provides the platform (really the virtual space) which makes mass collaboration possible.

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