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PUBLIC MARKS with tags database & graphics

October 2006


by woody3k
GPUTeraSort is a novel external sorting algorithm using graphics processors (GPUs) on large databases composed of billions of records and wide keys. It uses the data parallelism within a GPU along with task parallelism by scheduling memory-intensive and compute-intensive tasks on the GPU.

June 2006

May 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag database

applications +   art +   articles +   artist +   artists +   arts +   blogs +   books +   content +   cool +   digital +   education +   entertainment +   free +   fun +   funny +   images +   independent +   indie +   info +   information +   inspiration +   interview +   knowledge +   language +   library +   links +   list +   magazine +   magazines +   movie +   movies +   music +   news +   oracle +   people +   performance +   poetry +   politics +   publication +   research +   resource +   resources +   sharing +   social +   software +   theatre +   tools +   web +   wfmu +  

Active users

last mark : 01/10/2006 06:26

last mark : 18/06/2006 23:23