h5o - Project Hosting on Google Code
by nhoizeyTypecut :: Modules pour Firefox
by nhoizeyExtend the Firebug Console with these 15 Extensions - Speckyboy Design Magazine
by parmentierf2009
Page Speed Home
by nhoizeyMozilla Labs Jetpack | Exploring new ways to extend and personalize the Web
by parmentierf & 3 others (via)2008
mindforks: Debugging JavaScript evals
by greutNote to self... when debugging dojo in firefox... always check the script option: "Show eval() sources" in firebug.
eval is evil, but still.
Software is hard | Firecookie
by nhoizey & 4 othersFirePHP - Extending Firebug < Reference
by greut (via)The following example illustrates how to add a new panel called "Test Panel" to Firebug.
How to extend Firebug for your needs.