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PUBLIC MARKS with tags dev & free


đź›  GitHub - CDN - RawGit tool

by decembre
For use on production websites with any amount of traffic. Files are served via MaxCDN's super fast global CDN. No traffic limits or throttling. It's best to use a specific tag or commit hash in the URL (not a branch). Files are cached permanently after the first request. The catch: this is a free service, so there are no uptime or support guarantees.



TestFlight » iOS beta testing on the fly

by rmaltete (via)
diffusion d'apps iOS en ligne (très pratique en mode dev)


La Freebox pilotable grâce à une API

by nhoizey
De belles perspectives de développement d'applications !


InDefero - Bug tracking, code review and free software forge

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
InDefero is a simple to use software forge. Save you and your team time and track bugs, provide downloads, documentation and have an easy overview of your code base.


Genfavicon. Free Online Favicon Generator. Icon Generator.

by jdrsantos & 19 others
A favicon (short for 'favorites icon'), are litle icons associated with a particular website or webpage, shown next to the site's name in the URL bar of most browsers. The most common sizes for favicons are: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128. Browse to the file's location on your computer to select the image and press "Upload Image" button to generate a favicon for your site

FavIcon from Pics -- how to create a favicon.ico for your website

by jdrsantos & 1 other
the first web tool for creating still / animated favicons from regular images

Plans - A Good Web Calendar

by parmentierf & 8 others (via)
Plans lets you put calendars on the web. Plans has great features, and is free



SQLite home page

by jaysen & 2 others
SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine

SQLite Administrator - International Milestone Beta

by talou & 2 others
Superbe petit outil de gestion des bases sqlite, sous win32, tout graphique, très commode !

xul.vim - Support autocompletion (CTRL-XCTRL-U): balises and attributes with XUL files. : vim online

by talou & 1 other
Support autocompletion (CTRL-XCTRL-U): balises and attributes with XUL files. It's easy to extend to others XML files.

.:: NOTEPAD++ ::.

by talou & 2 others
Les avantages de Scite avec plein d'améliorations UI supplémentaires !

2005 ::

by thomaf & 13 others
Ce site est là pour parler de la nouvelle fonctionnalité de la freebox : le freeplayer. Nous verrons qu'il y a plein de choses à dire à son propos, à découvrir, à développer, enfin bref, il y aura de quoi faire.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag dev

*** +   forum +   free +   gpl +   gps +   nokia_e61 +   s60 +   tools +   wiki +  

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last mark : 18/09/2009 07:21

last mark : 19/02/2008 14:52

last mark : 17/09/2007 20:21

last mark : 31/08/2006 10:51

last mark : 19/07/2005 09:25