public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags dev & webdesign


Adobe Parfait

by Paykhan & 3 others
Project Parfait is now Creative Cloud Extract. Extract CSS, fonts, colors and export optimized images from a PSD, right from your browser.


by Paykhan & 6 others
Un outil responsive pour créer des structure HMTL/CSS en drag'n'drop

Google map Builder

by Paykhan & 4 others
Personnalisation Carte google, avec thèmes.

Snap SVG

by Paykhan & 7 others
SVG is an excellent way to create interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on any size screen. And the Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM.


by Paykhan
Plugin photoshop pour générer du CSS3 depuis un calque.



by Paykhan
Jquery Masonry Style fluid

Page Scroller Jquery

by Paykhan
Page Scroller lets you know where you are on a page while providing a simple smooth scroll navigation. Organize your site into easily digested sections. Use a CSS navigation skin or create your own.



by Paykhan
Nicescroll (as nice scroll for browsers) is a jquery (since 1.5) plugin, for nice scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style. It supports DIVs, IFrames and document page (body) scrollbars. CF. ->


Genfavicon. Free Online Favicon Generator. Icon Generator.

by nhoizey & 19 others
Browse to the file's location on your computer to select the image and press "Upload Image" button to generate a favicon for your site


24 ways, calendrier de l'avent du dev Web

by nhoizey & 70 others, 1 comment
C'est un must read chaque année, alimenté par des pointures internationales du développement Web (à base de standards évidemment)

Opera Web Standards Curriculum

by nhoizey
Opera et Yahoo! nous aident à apprendre à développer des sites Web en exploitant au mieux les standars. Miam !

jQuery Flash Plugin

by nhoizey & 10 others
Inspired by tools like SWFObject, UFO and sIFR, but written line-by-line for jQuery — no other scripts required. Less redundancy (jQuery and sIFR both find elements by css selectors and do browser detection, sIFR and SWFObject both do Flash detection) m

hartija - Google Code

by nhoizey & 5 others
universal Cascading Style Sheets for web printing by uniting all best CSS printing practises into one

Planning a Semantic Web site

by parmentierf
The Semantic Web brings with it the opportunities for users to get smarter search results, and for site owners to get more targeted traffic as users find what they really want. But these benefits don't just magically appear. This article leads you through the aspects of both information architecture and general infrastructure you need in place to truly take advantage of this burgeoning opportunity.

The seven rules of unobtrusive JavaScript

by nhoizey & 7 others
Do not make any assumptions, find your hooks and relationships, leave traversing to the experts, understand browsers and users, understand Events, play well with others, work for the next developer

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag dev

ajax +   clevermarks +   echo2 +   eclipse +   framework +   groupe:clever-age +   GWT +   java +   JSF +   My_Faces +   rad +   rap +   struts +   struts2 +   vs +   web +   wicket +  

Active users

last mark : 22/12/2014 10:56

last mark : 07/10/2014 16:07

last mark : 03/06/2014 14:02

last mark : 28/07/2009 09:53

last mark : 27/02/2009 15:00