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PUBLIC MARKS with tag developement


Awesome PHP Libraries and Resources

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
An extensive list of interesting PHP libraries and frameworks



by Xavier Lacot
A Symfony2 snippets bundle for SublimeText, which help being more producive with sf2 developement


by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
An auto-refresh for the browser when a file gets changed on the filesystem


TextMate Blog » TextMate 2.0 Alpha

by Xavier Lacot
Finally, Textmate2 made its way and is finally available as a public alpha version. Great and huge!

Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming

by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
An introduction to the JavaScript programming language, by Marijn Haverbeke. Very complete, extensive, and well-written resource. Must read for every intern in web developement ! :-)

Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage

by Xavier Lacot & 13 others
A js graphical library for drawing charts. It stands on top of jQuery, MooTools or Prototyp, depending on the host project fundations, and provides a large serie of nice colored animated charts.

Template for Jenkins Jobs for PHP Projects

by Xavier Lacot
The goal of this project is to provide a standard template for Jenkins jobs for PHP projects.


xavierlacot/joli.js - GitHub

by Xavier Lacot
joli.js is an Activerecord-like javascript ORM, particularly suited for being used in the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework.

Resources/tools/livetanium at master from krawaller/Titanium-Tools - GitHub

by Xavier Lacot
Made out of titanium, nodejs and unicorns, this library lets you code Titanium Mobile apps and see changes in realtime. It is really astonashing!

Liip Blog // PHP Content Repository: Full implementation in sight

by Xavier Lacot
Announcement of PHPCR available, using iterators, PHP 5.3 namespaces. This is the future storage backend for the Symfony2 CMF.

HipHop for Mac | HPHP Playground

by Xavier Lacot
HipHop PHP, Facebook's PHP preprocessor, has been ported to OSX. Nice features, and possibly a working install !

oauth-adapter - Project Hosting on Google Code

by Xavier Lacot
A pure js library for adding OAuth authentification capacities to Titanium Mobile applications

ProgFR - Question & Réponse sur la Programmation

by jeremi
Posez et répondez à des questions sur la programmation informatique.

Semantic web user interfaces - Do they have to be ugly?

by Xavier Lacot
A presentation which explains how semweb people should work to create more user-friendly tools. There is a common dream about the semantic web : it should help develop omnipotent applications. Instead of this, the author explain that developers should concentrate on creating useful software, using semweb technologies. Meaningful.

by Xavier Lacot
A service allowing to build pear packages directly and automatically from a github repository. OpenId login. Nifty.

Titanium Mobile TextMate Bundle « Appcelerator Developer Center

by Xavier Lacot
An excellent Titanium mobile Textmate bundle, which enhances the Titanium coding experience within Textmate.

ServerGrove Blog » Blog Archive » Enhanced Access Control for Symfony Front Controllers

by Xavier Lacot
A simple way to extend the per-host access limitation to Symfony developement controllers.

Cuisine - Play recipes

by Xavier Lacot
Snippets for the Play framework. Recipes for every day meal!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag developement

api +   collision +   detection +   directx +   game +   library +   nachi +   programming +   tutorial +   tutorials +  

Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 20/06/2013 08:04

last mark : 27/02/2011 20:17

last mark : 04/07/2010 06:48