public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags district & gr4

January 2009

Science Up Close

by knann (via)
Harcourt Science grades 1-6 with audio narration

October 2008


by knann (via)
Brief interative on electrical circuits

July 2008

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood: Build a Neighborhood Activity

by knann
A neighborhood is a place where people live, work, play and pretend. What kind of neighborhood picture do you want to make? A house, a farm, a construction site or our Neighborhood of Make-Believe? Create a scene then write about it! Choose one area to get started, then create your own neighborhood with the pictures on the bottom

June 2008

Motion and Forces

by knann
interactives >Teachers need to preview to determine grade level appropriate nteractives.

K-6 Science

by knann
MacMillan/McGraw-Hill science editions online with animated and audio content.

Past Tense Game

by knann (via)
Help Fernando get to school by typing the past tense of the verb shown on his book.

Learning Circuits

by knann (via)
Interactive activities about electricity and circuits for use with individual, small group, or on the smartboard for the whole class.

May 2008

April 2008

Listen and Spell Dolch Words

by knann
Eleven Dolch word lists with audio prompt for given spelling word.

March 2008

BAM! Body and Mind |

by knann, 1 comment (via)
From the CDC, a great interactive site for health topics: diseases, food and nutrition, physical activity, your safety, your life, your body. Resources for teachers here as well.

November 2007

World Atlas

by knann & 1 other (via)
Highest lowest biggest smallest tallest deepest oldest youngest Continents Countries Cities Dependencies Deserts Islands Lakes Mountains Oceans Provinces Rivers Seas and more list by World Atlas

Geo Quiz Archive

by knann
Geoquiz from BBC/PRI in text and audio format

The Seven World Wonders

by knann (via)
A complete listing of all the World Wonders in a variety of categories

Geospy -- National Geographic Kids

by knann (via)
Can you identify all the continents, states, and provinces? Try GeoSpy and find out!

October 2007

The Balanced Plate

by knann
Learn about balancing the food groups then try sorting foods.

Circuit World

by knann
Online design your own circuit using real objects or symbols. Teacher need to instruct students before using independently!

Interactive Body

by knann & 1 other
Try some of these interactive games to learn about the human body.

Yucky Gross and Cool Body

by knann (via)
Learn about the human body and body systems on the Yuckiest Site on the internet.

Great Plant Escape

by knann
Interactive reading environment for the study of plants geared for grades 4 and 5. Each of the lessons in this program is interdisciplinary, designed to introduce students to plant science and increase their understanding of how foods grow. Activities enhance student's math, science, language arts, social studies, music and art. You have many options in this program. Choose any or all of the suggested activities for your class. Many activities are for students to work independently and some are for group work.

::: Nunavut - Canada´s Arctic :::

by knann
Photo gallery: adventure, culture, landscapes, animals Information about the regions

Active users

last mark : 17/01/2009 16:04