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PUBLIC MARKS with tags djangobook & python

25 January 2007

DjangoPoweredSites - Django Code - Trac

by pvergain (via)
Django-powered sites ΒΆ This page lists sites on the public Web that are powered by Django. WorldOnline is the Web development shop that created Django and open-sourced it. Django was originally extracted from Ellington, a commercially-available content management system for newspapers developed by World Online.

22 December 2006

The Django Book

by pvergain & 7 others
Meet The Django Book Welcome to the online version of The Django Book, a free book about Django. The book is due to be published in 2007 by Apress, but in the meantime you can read the "beta" book online. This is a work in progress, and we invite you to leave comments, suggestions and criticism (read more about the comment system). So, dive in, let us know what you think, and check back regularly for the latest chapter updates. There's an Atom feed that'll get updated each time we release new material. If you've got more general feedback that doesn't fit into the comment system, or if you just like email more, you can reach us at feedback @ this domain.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag djangobook

django +   framework +   frameworks +   python +   web +  

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last mark : 25/01/2007 19:53