public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags dvdthèque & dvd


Filmotech - Fonctionnalités

by rmaltete & 2 others
Filmotech est un logiciel de gestion de collection de DVD, Blu-Ray, DiVX, CD, VHS ou autres formats. Filmotech est un freeware (mais les dons sont les bienvenus !). Il fonctionne sur Mac et PC.


InterVocative Software, LLC's DVD Profiler

by nhoizey
DVD Profiler's unique combination of desktop application and online data access sets it apart from competing alternatives. With a database of over 150,000 DVDs created by an enormous community of dedicated users worldwide, DVD Profiler has become the most complete, most accurate, and most compelling source of DVD information anywhere.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag dvdthèque

dvd +   gestion +   gratuit +  

Active users

last mark : 26/07/2009 14:30

last mark : 02/11/2005 21:00