public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags education & interactive

2009 Create interactive flash tools / games for education

by ycc2106 & 1 other allows you to create free educational games, activities and diagrams in a Flash! Host them on your own blog, website or intranet! No signup, no passwords, no charge!

Jeude français - classement alphabetique

by ycc2106
Cet exerciseur en ligne vous propose des milliers de mots recommandés en alphabétisation présentés sous forme de 88 fiches. Chaque fiche comporte en général 30 mots affichés dans un ordre aléatoire. L'élève est invité à effectuer le classement alphabétique des mots au fur et à mesure de leur apparition.


Welcome to - Online E-learning Resource Library including games, quizzes, videos, interactive animations, presentations

by knann
We are constantly updating our resource library with new flash games, quizzes interactive animations and videos in a growing range of subjects, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, Mathematics, French, German, Geography, Physical Education and Business Studies. Our e-learning resources are designed for use on PCs and interactive whiteboards. They can be used to assist the teaching and learning of a whole class, as a small group activity or for individual students as homework or revision exercises.


Active users

last mark : 06/08/2009 19:35

last mark : 15/04/2007 17:42