public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags elections & politics


Latest NBC Poll: Obama is in Surprisingly Good Shape

by democrattotheend
While his support among white voters has slipped a few points since the last poll, he actually does better among whites against McCain than Clinton, losing the white vote 49-38, as opposed to 53-38 for Clinton. The 11-point deficit among whites might look discouraging, but it’s important to keep in mind that Kerry lost the white vote by 17 points in 2004. Obama is only 3 points below Kerry’s percentage of the white vote (41%), while McCain is 9 points behind Bush’s 58% (the rest are undecided).

Quantitative Analysis - Why Ferraro's Claims are Inaccurate

by democrattotheend
Much has already been said about Geraldine Ferraro’s controversial comments implying that Obama wouldn’t be where he is if he were white (or a woman). The purpose of this post is not to attack or defend her comments, but to test her hypothesis that Clinton has been hampered by her gender while Obama has been helped by his race by looking at the exit poll numbers for people who said that a candidate’s race or gender had any influence on their vote.

Obama defends 'liberal' label - First Read -

by soul1383
From NBC/NJ’s Aswini Anburajan AUSTIN, Texas -- In the shadow of the state capitol that provided the United States with one of the most conservative presidents in recent history, Obama last night railed against the charge that being "liberal" was a bad


Political marketing

by cascade2 & 4 others
Articles and resources on political marketing.

Political marketing

by ahmed5 & 4 others
Articles and resources on political marketing.


Can Bush Cancel Elections?

by MarkJames
Bush, may have the power to cancel election in a time of “war” or terrorist attack.“

Electoral Marketing Blog

by idea & 3 others
Collaborative blog on political/electoral marketing, political communication, campaigns and elections.

The Latest News on Sen. Hillary Clinton

by CitizenJane
The most ambitious person-specific political archiving project on the internet! Browse through over 5,637 specialized person-specific news abstracts on 12 key political figures. Analyze their actions, movements, thoughts, opinions, legislative priorities, events attended and more in one easy-to-navigate informational website.

All About Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)

by CitizenJane
A comprehensive, and thorough historical database that accurately tracks, records and archives the political movements of (among others) Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) . Our objective is to have a comprehensive database with which to hold Senator Stabenow acountable for her words and actions. Imagine what this site can do in the years to come! This website is about countering rhetoric and falsities with hard facts. We invite you to view our database and see the facts for yourself.

All About Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA)

by CitizenJane
comprehensive, and thorough historical database that accurately tracks, records and archives the political movements of (among others) Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) . Our objective is to have a comprehensive database with which to hold Sen. Santorum acountable for his words and actions. Imagine what this site can do in the years to come! This website is about countering rhetoric and falsities with hard facts. We invite you to view our database and see the facts for yourself.

All About Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE)

by politikibitzer
comprehensive, and thorough historical database that accurately tracks, records and archives the political movements of (among others) Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE). Our objective is to have a comprehensive database with which to hold Sen. Ben Nelson acountable for his words and actions. Imagine what this site can do in the years to come! This website is about countering rhetoric and falsities with hard facts. We invite you to view our database and see the facts for yourself.

All About Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)

by politikibitzer
A comprehensive, and thorough historical database that accurately tracks, records and archives the political movements of (among others) Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Our objective is to have a comprehensive database with which to hold Senator Hutchison acountable for her words and actions. Imagine what this site can do in the years to come! This website is about countering rhetoric and falsities with hard facts. We invite you to view our database and see the facts for yourself.

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