public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ergononmie & ihm


Good UI

by dzc & 3 others
A Good User Interface has high conversion rates and is easy to use. In other words, it's nice to both the business side as well as the people using it. Here is a running idea list which we discovered.


Placeholders in Form Fields Are Harmful

by dzc & 1 other
Placeholder text within a form field makes it difficult for people to remember what information belongs in a field, and to check for and fix errors. It also poses additional burdens for users with visual and cognitive impairments.

Stop Wasting Users' Time | Smashing Magazine

by dzc & 1 other
Taking Time To Improve Performance. CAPTCHA: The Ultimate Time-Waster. Don’t Make Users Correct “Their” Mistakes In Forms. Why Are Passwords So Complicated ? Pay Special Attention To Repetitive Tasks



OCTO talks ! » Accessibilité des applications mobiles

by dzc & 1 other

Les technologies évoluent également : zoom, synthèse et commande vocale, détection des éléments sur l’écran… Voyons comment nous pouvons améliorer nos applications mobiles pour tirer partie de ces avancées et en faire bénéficier ceux qui en ont besoin.

jQuery – ppTextarea : gestion des textarea | Prélude Prod

by dzc
indiquer combien de caractères sont saisie / valider une limite basse et une limite haute / bloquer la saisie si la limite haute est atteinte / indiquer si les limites sont atteintes ou non par une image


Better Password Fields with jQuery

by dzc
The solution is to hand the initiative over to the visitor and let them decide for themselves whether to show the password in plain text or not.


Active users

last mark : 08/10/2015 19:27