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PUBLIC MARKS with tags es:math & msvt

June 2008

multiplication puzzle

by knann & 1 other (via)
Fin multiplication puzzle for individual,whole class whiteboard, or small groups. Customize the puzzle for different abilities

April 2008

Kids Math Games

by knann
Great page of math games focusing on math facts, counting,patterns, geometry,measuring,and more. Teachers look for the link "Click Here" see see activity descriptions.

Addition and Subtraction Games

by knann
Double Digit Math Addition : This program will make a new double digit worksheet (with no carrying or regrouping) each time you enter the page. Type in your answers and the computer will mark your work when you press the check work button. Learn How to Carry: Practice carrying numbers as you add. This games will come with audio that instructs you on your mistakes. Timed Math Drills Practice carrying numbers How many questions can you do in 60 seconds. Choose the difficulty of the questions and have your work marked by a computer. Add Them UP: Practise adding three numbers at once in this fun interactive game. Takes awhile to load on slow lines but well worth waiting! Equal Math Sentence: Practise adding single digits and visually see how to regroup the numbers. Visual Double Digit Adding and Subtracting: Practise adding and subtracting double digits and visually see how to regroup the numbers. Addition Drills Game: Practise adding and subtracting with math drills. Your choose the number range. The computer will mark your work with cool sound effects. Math Worksheet Generator: Make your own math addition worksheets. Teachers, this program will make the sheets with the numbers you want. Single to Triple Digit Adding: Try some adding drills with audio comments to cue you on mistakes. Visual Simple Fractions Adding and Subtracting: Try some adding and subtracting simple fractions with visual pictures to help you understand. Addition Game: Try making 3 numbers add vertically and horizontally. Good problem solving. Pick the card: Pick the right card that equals the adding question. Questions cover addition of numbers 1 to 20. Addition and Subtraction Game: This game will give you an addition or subtraction questions and mark your work, even talk to you. Uses the range of 1-20. Doubles Adding Game: A great way to memorize addition facts is to do it with doubles such as 1 + 1, 2 + 2 etc. Turn the cards in this fun game to match the math sentence with the answer. eg 3 +3 matches 6 . Lots of cool animations! Minute Math Game: Can you do these kids math worksheets in a minute? This program gives lots of math worksheets of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division math worksheets and marks all your work. A great tool for teachers. This program will mark work as either right or wrong but unfortunately it sometimes makes errors. Great for giving kids worksheets online to do with a specific number range.

February 2008

Harcourt Math

by knann
Interactive sites for math practice at all grade levels. The following textbook titles have activities HSP Math, Think Math, and Math Advantage Grades K-8

September 2007

Math Slice!

by knann
Online interactive math games and challenges. Teachers can generate worksheets and print as a PDF for saving.

June 2007

Math Presentations

by knann
Tons of PowerPoints ready for you to use in your K-5 or 6-12 Math class. Other subjects also available.

April 2007


by knann
Great site for math practice. Each activity also has a magnify feature that is great for low vision. Appropriate for k-8

March 2007

Time Problems using Clocks and Calendars

by knann
This section is all about math as it applies to the passing of time. Beginning with reading clocks and drawing their hands, we move into clock differences, calendar exercises and conversion between units of time.

Calendar Problems

by knann
This worksheet presents a single calendar and asks the student questions that require reading individual word problems, consulting the calendar and performing basic math operations.

Johnnie's Math Page Interactive Math Applets

by knann (via)
On this page you will find links to interactive math tools and activities for teaching and learning. It is intended for students and their teachers grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.

Dr. Alice Christie's Using Spreadsheets in the Classroom Page

by knann (via)
101 Fun and Relevant Ways to Use Spreadsheets in K - 12 Classrooms

November 2006

Thinking Blocks Addition & Subtraction

by knann
This interactive program teaches children how to visualize and solve math word problems. Using virtual blocks and cubes, children create models that illustrate the underlying math concepts in word problems. Each Thinking Blocks program contains six guided practice sets and three assessment tests. The addition and subtraction program features models that represent part-whole, comparison, and change situations. The multiplication and division program introduces equal parts, comparisons, and interpreting remainders. Program features include: • Self paced, guided instruction that shows students how to correctly model math word problems • Independent practice sets that challenge students to apply what they’ve learned • Interactive blocks that engage students in the problem solving process • Randomized problem sets that create a different learning experience each time the program is accessed • Video tutorials which help students transition from building concrete models to sketching models on paper • Printable certificates that allow students to keep a record of the work they have completed

May 2006


by knann
Math resource of video clips devoted to mathematics learning! Students call in to the tv host with a math problem. Together the problem is solved step-by-step.

January 2006


by knann
Design a quilt by clicking on the squares. Each square has 6 possible positions. Change COLORS by clicking the color palettes Make a quilt by clicking REPEAT, REFLECT or ROTATE

December 2005

The Broken Calculator

by knann (via)
Use the broken calculator to solve your math problems in a creative way. Can you add 2+2 if the addition key is broken? Sure about (3*2)-2 . The answer is the same! Create some challenges for you, your friends, and teachers!

by knann
Try this animated, interactive testing and learning math site. Compare your math and science performance against students worldwide! Find learning tools to help get you smarter!

NCTM : Illuminations Lessons

by knann
Interactive Math tools for grades for K-12. Accompanied by lesson plans and NCTM standards

November 2005

Up to One

by knann (via)
Type the fraction which when added to the other two fractions brings the total to one whole. Paper and pencil may be needed. Click the refresh button to get a new problem.

Math Continuum

by knann
Video tutorials and interactive activities with audio. Strands include: Numbers and Operations, Patterns and Relations, Geometry, Statistics and Probabiity Activities - Adding and subtracting Fractions, Fractions and Equivalent Fractions, Fractions, Multiply & Divide, Percent., Equations, Pattern Puzzles, Area


by knann
This activity can be used to:recognize and explore the properties of tessellations, identify and examine symmetry in geometric figures,describe, and classify polygons, examine the role of mathematics in society and nature

October 2005

Award ceremony: Ordering numbers

by knann
The Award Ceremony involves ordering numbers; highest to lowest or lowest to highest. Includes decimals

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last mark : 20/06/2008 13:36