18 February 2007
First People: 1600-1750
by knannVermont Historical Society...includes info on the Abernaki and Contact Period. Click on the side menu to navigate this topic.
What's The Point? Identifying Flint Artifacts
by knannUse this guide to help identify different tools by answering yes/no questions about its features.
Turning Points of Wisconsin Lesson Plan: Teaching with The Mammoth Mystery
by knannThis is a lesson plan to accompany the student activity: mystery of the Mammoth. The Mammoth Mystery is a virtual narrative of how a mammoth bone in the collection of the Kenosha County Museum led to the rediscovery of a significant archaeological site in Kenosha County. The cutmarks on this mammoth femur proved that Paleo-Indian people were living in Wisconsin between 10,000-12,000 years ago, much earlier than most archaeologists had believed possible.
10 February 2007
Timeline of Native American Cultures in Nebraska
by knannBrief summary of paleo, archaic, woodland, and contact periods
(7 marks)