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PUBLIC MARKS with tags esteacher:math & projector

28 October 2005 10:15

E-Example 4.5.2: Learning About Number Relationships

by knann
Number relationships and patterns using a calculator and hundreds board. Lesson materials and interactive tools available through the links.

28 October 2005 09:15

Again and Again: Student

by knann
An investigation involving fractions and decimals. Teacher instruction required first.

28 October 2005 08:30

Place Value Tool

by knann
Make numbers to 999 by clicking on the cards. Whole class tool.

28 October 2005 08:15

Equivalence Tool

by knann
Demonstrator for the equivalence of decimals, percentages and fractions. Great for whole class.

28 October 2005 08:00

Space Jumps

by knann
Complete these addition facts by first making 10 then adding the difference. Students will need instruction to understand the game. Good for mental arithmetic

26 October 2005 08:00

Behind the Blob game

by knann
Great number sequence game for whole class instruction. Allows for a variety of patterns that are teacher selected.

22 October 2005 12:30

The Number Gym: Near Tens

by knann & 1 other
Learn to add and subtract multiples and near-multiples of 10 in your head using a graded set of activities on a 10x10 number grid with helpful popups along the way.

The Number Gym: On the Line

by knann & 1 other
Flexible whole class tool for adding/subrtracting. Helps students see patterns. Teachers should explore the home page to evalate for future purchase.

22 October 2005 11:45

Flash Math: Follow the Rules

by knann & 1 other
You must follow the rules to get through the maze. Choose easy, medium, hard. Improve your mental math addition and subtraction problem-solving with this game! Demonstrate with projector for whole class in lower grades.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag esteacher:math

decimals +   district +   esvt +   fractions +   gr4 +   gr5 +   gr6 +   math +   math:games +   msvt +   patterns +   projector +  

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last mark : 20/01/2007 14:03