public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags finance & person

April 2007

Drown by Debt

by ieee1294
A personal blog, similar to nevblog, that's tracking my fighting and getting out of debt. Includes tips and other information on how I'm fighting it, as well as resources that I use to educate myself on debt. Also includes other personal and business related issues.

June 2006

货真价实的谄媚 - 旁观者的奇妙冒险

by jackiege
赢,与你的父母、智商、在哪里读书无关。它只取决于一件事:你有多想赢! 我宁肯拥有一流的执行、二流的战略,也不要好的想法与平庸的执行。

May 2006

Active users

last mark : 17/04/2007 06:24

last mark : 09/06/2006 05:55