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PUBLIC MARKS with tags firefox & php



ginatrapani's greasemonkey-multi-script-compiler at master - GitHub

by nhoizey
Builds a standalone Firefox extension from Greasemonkey user scripts, with a user interface that lets you turn any script on or off.

FirePHP - Firebug Extension for AJAX Development

by cascamorto
FirePHP enables you to log to your Firebug Console using a simple PHP method call. All data is sent via response headers and will not interfere with the content on your page. FirePHP is ideally suited for AJAX development where clean JSON and XML responses are required.


firesymfony :: Firefox Add-ons

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
FireSymfony is a Symfony web debug toolbar for Firebug. This is the Firefox extension.

Obvious Hints: FireSymfony - A Firebug extension for symfony

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Using Firebug for Symfony debug : a sfWebDebug extension combined with a Symfony extension.

Facebook Developers | Resources

by catalonestudio & 1 other
Facebook has been developed from the ground up using open source software, and we are proud to give back to the open source community through various open source projects.

FirePHP - Firebug Extension for AJAX Development

by srcmax & 4 others (via)
FirePHP enables you to print to your Firebug Console using a simple PHP function call.

Debug PHP facile avec Firefox, Firebug et FirePHP - Prendre un Café

by ghis & 3 others
Une extension Firefox pour débugger facilement du php.

sfFirePHP plugin

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
FirePHP enables you to print to your Firebug Console using a simple PHP function call. What makes FirePHP different? All data is sent via a set of X-FirePHP-Data response headers. This means that the debugging data will not interfere with the content on your page. Thus FirePHP is ideally suited for AJAX development.

Conférence : Déboguer une application web avec FirePHP - Dur Comme Faire

by camel
Le sujet était "Déboguer une application web avec FirePHP". Déboguer une application web peut rapidement devenir fastidieux. L'utilisation d'un débogueur simplifie ce processus mais il n'est pas toujours possible d'en utiliser un. FirePHP est une extension Firefox qui permet de fournir des informations de déboguage sans interférer avec l'affichage de l'application web. Cela est particulièrement pratique pour déboguer de l'Ajax par exemple.

:: SiteBar :: The Bookmark Manager | The Bookmark Server

by jdrsantos & 9 others
SiteBar is a solution for people who use multiple browsers or computers and want to have their bookmarks available from anywhere without need to synchronize them or take them along. The bookmarks are stored on a server

Moteur de recherche PHP pour Firefox - NeoBlog

by krachot
A garder sous le coude étant donné que le moteur de recherche pour firefox du site n'est plus téléchargeable.


PHP Quicksearch in firefox

by jmfontaine (via)

Xdebug Helper :: Firefox Add-ons

by Xavier Lacot
Tool to start/stop debug with PHP's Xdebug extension.

FirePHP - Firefox Extension for PHP Development

by hobbes & 4 others
FirePHP allows you to take a deeper look at all the work your PHP code does to generate that page you are currently looking at in your Firefox browser.

Active users

Fabrice Bonny
last mark : 09/09/2010 09:43

last mark : 12/02/2010 09:42

last mark : 31/07/2009 12:09

François Hodierne
last mark : 21/06/2009 09:17

last mark : 11/04/2009 12:22

last mark : 23/03/2009 00:28

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 02/10/2008 06:31

last mark : 22/08/2008 22:52

last mark : 21/07/2008 09:44

last mark : 20/07/2008 19:25

last mark : 20/07/2008 12:21

last mark : 15/02/2008 22:21

last mark : 19/01/2008 19:38

last mark : 27/11/2007 21:29

last mark : 16/02/2007 23:04