May 2008
Miss Geeky
by springnet@mseckington on twitter and her blog Melinda Seckington on gmail, twitter, flickr, facebook, youtube,, etc. etc. blog has great links and possibly a Battlestar Galactica fan like me
March 2008
Twitter Tools, Tweaks and Theories: TypePad Hacks
by springnetreviews of 26 powerful tools you can use to make Twitter do all kinds of groovy things
Welcome to GeekyMomma's Blog: I'd Like To Thank My Producers, Mom & Dad!
by springnetIn a follow-up post, I encouraged others outside our Twitter edtech network to join and today, Paul Terry Walhus (twitter @springnet) contacted me because he not only wanted to duplicate the concept for his SXSW network but he wanted to interview me (ME!,
Tasty Blog Snack
by springnetJustine Ezarik's blog. submitted on springnet's bookmarks on on her birthday. March 23, 2008 she turned 24.
February 2008
EPIC-FU - art+tech+music for geeks
by springnetZadi Diaz has a hot, hot, hot video series on this page... gotta find out if it's syndicated!
(5 marks)