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PUBLIC MARKS with tags gnu & ubuntu


lubuntu | light Ubuntu for faster computing

by m.meixide & 1 other
lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. The lubuntu team aims to earn official endorsement from Canonical.

Ubuntu Tweak - Fagámolo con Ubuntu

by m.meixide & 3 others
Ubuntu Tweak é un aplicativo para que todos poidamos configurar Ubuntu de forma sinxela. Fornece moitas opcións útiles para o escritorio e sistema que o contorno de escritorio predefinido non fornece. Coa súa axuda, poderá disfrutar moito máis da súa experiencia con Ubuntu

Remastersys Backup

by m.meixide
Remastersys is a tool that can be used to do 2 things with an existing Debian, Ubuntu or derivative installation. 1. It can make a full system backup including personal data to a live cd or dvd that you can use anywhere and install. 2. It can make a distributable copy you can share with friends. This will not have any of your personal user data in it.

Videoconferencia en GNU/Linux

by m.meixide
Videoconferencia en GNU/Linux Ubuntu 9.04 con aMSN 0.98 » – V6.1


by m.meixide & 2 others
Portal hispano de Ubuntu


by m.meixide & 1 other
O que é o Ubuntu? Ubuntu é um sistema operacional baseado em Linux desenvolvido pela comunidade e é perfeito para notebooks, desktops e servidores. Ele contém todos os aplicativos que você precisa - um navegador web, programas de apresentação, edição de texto, planilha eletrônica, comunicador instantâneo e muito mais.


by m.meixide & 30 others
The Ubuntu promise * Ubuntu will always be free of charge, along with its regular enterprise releases and security updates * Ubuntu comes with full commercial support from Canonical and hundreds of companies from across the world * Ubuntu provides the best translations and accessibility features that the free software community has to offer * Ubuntu core applications are all free and open source. We want you to use free and open source software, improve it and pass it on.

Manual de Ubuntu

by m.meixide & 2 others
Comezar con Ubuntu 10.04 é unha guía para principantes do sistema operativo Ubuntu. Está escrita con unha licenza de código aberto e é de balde para descargar, ler, modificar e compartir. O manual axudaralle a familiarizarse coas tarefas diarias: navegar polo web, escoitar música ou escanear documentos. Poñendo énfase na sinxeleza ao seguir as instrucións, e é axeitado para todos os niveis de experiencia.

Instalar R en Ubuntu

by m.meixide
En Ubuntu (o cualquier otra distribución de linux), en condiciones normales R funciona dentro de la consola o terminal, y por lo tanto no tiene una GUI propia. Además, si uno quiere instalarse la última versión, no siempre va a poder hacerlo a través de Synaptic, porque los repositorios tardan algún tiempo en publicar los programas. Este tutorial explica una manera sencilla de hacerlo. V2 Beta - Software for Ubuntu Linux - Welcome

by m.meixide & 1 other
GetDeb is an unofficial project with the mission to provide the latest open source and freeware applications for the current Ubuntu Linux release, in an easy to install manner. We no longer provide updates for applications prior to Ubuntu 9.04, you still can get packages from our legacy website . The GetDeb repository extends the official repositories by providing latest versions and new applications. Unlike the official packages, GetDeb packages do not have a predefined release schedule - new software versions are provided as they become available from their authors. There is a short and limited testing phase instead of a full testing cycle to ensure packaging quality, however it is less strict than Ubuntu's official requirements.

Old GetDeb - Software for Ubuntu Linux

by m.meixide
There is no "company" behind this project - it is managed, maintained, developed and supported by a volunteer group and by the users themselves. Your help is needed and appreciated.


AutoLogin - Community Ubuntu Documentation

by m.meixide
Unha das razóns polas que o Ubuntu (e Linux) son considerados tan seguros é porque esixen contrasinal para instalar software ou configurar o sistema. Tamén precisan contrasinal para acceder ao ordenador. Se quere ignorar este último login - contrasinal, existe unha función Auto Login que pode configurar e usar.



Launchpad - Collaboration, project management and code hosting for free software

by m.meixide & 17 others
Launchpad is a free software hosting and development website. We make it easy to collaborate across multiple projects. # Code Make all your project's code accessible, wherever it's hosted on the internet. # Bugs Track and solve bugs, whether they occur upstream, downstream or directly in your code. # Blueprints Develop, implement and track the progress of your software's features. # Translations Cut the time it takes to translate your software. # Answers Build a community support team and turn their answers into a searchable knowledge-base.


Weblogue de Lionel James

by StandarT
Weblogue concernant les logiciels libres, le monde de l'informatique et les systèmes d'exploitation GNU/Linux

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag gnu

amsn +   audiochat +   colaborar +   linux +   remoto +   ubuntu +   video +   videochat +   webcam +  

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