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PUBLIC MARKS with tags gr4 & mslc

January 2009

Science Up Close

by knann (via)
Harcourt Science grades 1-6 with audio narration

June 2008

K-6 Science

by knann
MacMillan/McGraw-Hill science editions online with animated and audio content.

March 2008

BAM! Body and Mind |

by knann, 1 comment (via)
From the CDC, a great interactive site for health topics: diseases, food and nutrition, physical activity, your safety, your life, your body. Resources for teachers here as well.

September 2007

eWord Game

by knann
Companion to textbook Houghton Mifflin Spelling and Vocabulary but still useful for grades 1-6. Hover over the word or definition to hear it read aloud.

Writing notebook"Paragraph unit"Writing a Paragraph topic

by knann (via)
BrainPop movie that explains how to write a paragraph. Great for whole class instruction and then let students review individually.

July 2007

Engineering Interact - Interactive science & engineering for 9-11 year olds

by knann
Designed for ages 9-11, these interactive investigations are perfect for differentiation. Investigations include Forces and Motion, Earth and Beyond, Electricity, Light, and Sound.

February 2007

Time for Kids

by knann & 1 other
Current news articles for grades k-1, 2-3, 4-7. Use with Clicker 5 or WordTalk for text to spech. Find the article, click the Print button. A new, plain web page will appear. Copy and paste directly into Word or a new Clicker document.

May 2006

Clara Fraction's Ice Cream Shop

by knann (via)
Skills: Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. Object: Sell as many ice cream cones as possible in three minutes by converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.

Tony Fraction Pizza Game

by knann (via)
Can you fill the customer's order with the right amount of toppings? Choose the Pizza size for the order then add your toppings. Click send to finish!

November 2005

Builder Ted

by knann
Help Ted fix the leaky roof by placing the bricks (decimals) in numerical order.

Visual Fractions

by knann (via)
A tutorial that models fractions with number lines or circles.

October 2005

The Number Gym:Multiplication Grid

by knann & 1 other
Learning the multiplication tables is made fun by testing yourself against your previous best score and the clock. When it gets too easy doing them in order, we mix them up! Use whole class or alone.

A Maths Dictionary for Kids

by knann & 1 other (via)
An animated, interactive dictionary for students which explains 500 common mathematical terms in simple language.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag gr4

district +   es:language arts +   eslc +   esvt +   gr1 +   gr2 +   gr3 +   gr5 +   gr6 +   ms:language arts +   mslc +   msvt +   paragraphs +   spelling +   verbs +   vocabulary +   writing +  

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last mark : 17/01/2009 16:04