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PUBLIC MARKS with tags groupe:clever-age & standard


The Cover Pages: ISO Publishes Three WS-I Profiles

by nhoizey
The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) today announced that three of its Profiles have been published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

XTech 2008: Advanced OAuth Wrangling — IDEAlliance

by nhoizey
OAuth is poised to be one of most important new standards in 2008. A simple standardization of delegated token auth, OAuth makes it straightforward to offer and consume APIs for a class of data under represented in the current set of API offerings—data

BPM Tutorial | BPM Research

by nhoizey
The following slides have been presented at a workshop on Business Process Automation, held at the 2004 Americas Conference on Information Systems in New York, NY, on August 5th, 2004.

OAuth, un nouveau standard à surveiller de près | Simple Entrepreneur

by nhoizey & 2 others
un tout nouveau standard libre dont le but est de proposer un protocole sécurisé d’authentification et d’accès à une API


How to write your own ISO Standard! - O'Reilly XML Blog

by nhoizey
Assuming the vote on the Final Draft was “yes”, you now have your standard! Congratulations, that has only taken three years or so.

XRAY :: for web developers

by nhoizey & 15 others
XRAY is a bookmarklet for Safari, Firefox, Camino or Mozilla. Use it to see the box model for any element.

RELAX NG Tutorial

by nhoizey
This document is a tutorial for RELAX NG version 1.0.

Main Articles: 'OpenID: Decentralised Single Sign-on for the Web', Ariadne Issue 51

by nhoizey
OpenID is a single sign-on system for the Internet which puts people in charge. OpenID is a user-centric technology which allows a person to have control over how their Identity is both managed and used online.

Questions sur l’avenir du Web : ma réponse []

by nhoizey
Ce ne sont, simplement, pas les mêmes cibles qui sont visées [par flash et HTML]. D’un côté du sexy animé (court terme et marketing), d’un autre de la stabilité et de la pérennité (« contenus » au sens noble).

Orbeon Forms User Guide - Welcome

by nhoizey
Orbeon Forms is an open source forms solution that handles the complexity of forms typical of the enterprise or government. It is brought to standard web browsers (including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera) thanks to Ajax technology, with no need for client-side software or plugins. Orbeon Forms allows you to build fully interactive forms with features that include as-you-type validation, optional and repeated sections, always up-to-date error summaries, PDF output, full internationalization, and controls like auto-completion, tabs, dialogs, trees and menus.

[] Du bon usage de l’attribut title

by nhoizey
souvent l'attribut est problématique pour les logiciels d'assistance aux personnes handicapées : je pense ici en particulier aux déficients visuels


Validateur W3C Multipages pour une validation de site XHTML

by nhoizey & 34 others (via)
Validez votre site Web en entier grâce à l'outil de validation W3C multipages complètement ajaxifié. Impressionnant !

Developing Ajax Applications That Preserve Standard Browser Functionality

by nhoizey & 2 others (via)
a few critical voices have pointed out that Ajax applications break several important browser features, including support for the back/forward button


Xulfaces, des applications XUL en Java - Archiblog - Stratic

by nhoizey (via)
Olivier Schmitt, vient d'annoncer la sortie de xulfaces. Encore tout neuf, ce projet original tente de marier le meilleur du web avec le standard java. D'un côté XUL, la couche de présentation de la fondation Mozilla notamment utilisée dans Firefox, permet de construire des interfaces riches accessibles depuis le Web (L'interface graphique de Firefox est elle même construite en XUL). De l'autre JSF, nouveau standard de développement d'interfaces web associé au langage Java.

Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization: Overview

by nhoizey & 3 others (via)
This page is the first in a series of five pages covering the business case for Web accessibility. The five pages, called a "resource suite", are designed to help develop a customized business case for Web accessibility for a specific organization. The resource suite presents many different aspects of Web accessibility and includes guidance on incorporating these aspects into a specific organization's business case.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag groupe:clever-age

ActiveGrid +   ajax +   bpel +   clevermarks +   java +   lamp +   web services +   wsdl +   XACML +   xforms +   xml +   xml schema +  

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last mark : 16/07/2008 13:25