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Komei Juku - Maui, Hawaii Iaijutsu

by Takwann
The first line of each couplet describes a natural phenomenon and the following line makes the point for the first line’s statement. This poem is not haiku but has a similar structure that sets a scene and follows with an allusion to an iaijutsu waza. The placement of the poem after the listed description of the Chuden wazas in the makimono suggests that it is not intended to be descriptions of or technical advice about the Chuden wazas. Rather the poem’s purpose seems to be to communicate the spirit and attitude that the practice of iaijutsu should develop. Therefore the poem should lead to understanding the spirit of iaijutsu.

7. How did iaido originate? - Japanese Sword Arts FAQ

by Takwann
The above history of kendo/jutsu applies also to iaido/jutsu. In the latter half of the 15th century, Iizasa Ienao (also known as Iizasa Choisai) founded the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu. This ryu, and in the early part of the 16th century, the Tatsumi Ryu and Takenouchi Ryu all taught drawing as a formal part of their curriculum. These ryu all claim to be among the earliest to develop such skills.


The truth behind swordsmanship | [ ]

by Takwann
"when two people come together and fight with swords, the feeling of striking a particular area will arise in your opponent. At that time, you should give your entire body over to your opponent. At the exact moment when they see their chance and attempt to strike you should strike them and win…. this is real victory."

Nukitsuke | [ ]

by Takwann & 2 others
Nukitsuke and nukiuchi are different. “Tsuke” means you are acting to forestall an opponent’s attack before it begins. Nukiuchi on the other hand means, precisely, to cut down an opponent. Without understanding the difference between these two, your swordsmanship will not be effective.*



FEI, Fédération européenne de Iaido

by Takwann
La F.E.I. a pour but la diffusion en Europe de l'IAI (art de couper en dégainant le sabre), discipline morale et physique qui s'inscrit dans le cadre des arts martiaux japonais traditionnels. A ce titre, la F.E.I. se propose de regrouper tous les pratiquants de cette discipline, la diversité des styles constituant l'une de ses principales richesses. Cependant la F.E.I. a choisi comme école de référence "MUSO SHINDEN RYU" en raison de sa rigueur pédagogique et de son universalité.

Kenjutsu International Association of Instructors

by Takwann
KIAI is a non-profit association founded to improve the communications among kenjutsu instructors worldwide. Members of KIAI are instructors of Japanese sword arts from various styles, schools and associations, who teach all nihonto-related martial arts, including koryu and gendai kenjutsu, kendo, iaijutsu, iaido, batto-do, goshido, chanbara, shinkendo, aiki-boken, ninja-ken, and various other forms of Japanese swordsmanship. KIAI membership is free. KIAI organizes national, reginal and international seminars and competitions.

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last mark : 31/01/2012 18:30