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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ie & windows




Lunascape, le browser multi-moteur | Korben

by camel (via)
Si vous êtes développeur de site web, vous avez surement pris l’habitude de tester votre site sur différents navigateurs internet. Très bonne idée ! Vous avez donc installé un Firefox 2, un Firefox 3, un Safari, un Chrome et bien sur toutes les Internet Explorer de la version 4 à la version 8… Très bien tout ça… Mais si maintenant je vous disais qu’il existe sous Windows un navigateur web qui rassemble les moteurs de ces principaux browser ? Lunascape 5.0 alpha intègre en effet au sein d’un même browser, les moteurs de IE (Trident - ??), Chrome/Safari (Webkit) et Firefox (Gecko). Pratique pour tester tout un tas de chose sans avoir à lancer 10 browsers en même temps.


jQuery.ifixpng - png transparency for windows ie versions below 6

by camel & 10 others (via)
As you know IE versions below 6 do not support png transparency. This plugin designed to fix that problem by applying appropriate filters to user specified elements, while keeping all element tags intact. Plugin works well with both img elements within the DOM and css properties specified externally. • It is chainable. • Unlike some other png hack solutions, it does not replace/hide any of your html tags. • You can revert applied changes using .iunfixpng(). • Extremely easy to use!

Install multiple versions of IE on your PC | TredoSoft

by holyver
Ever wanted to test your website in various versions of Internet Explorer? It is possible to run Internet Explorer in standalone mode without having to over-write previous versions thanks to Joe Maddalone who came up with a way of achieving that in November 2003. Basically, Internet Explorer is run by exploiting a known workaround to DLL hell - which was introduced in Windows 2000 and later versions - called DLL redirection. Manfred Staudinger perfected the standalone versions by adding IE version numbers to the title bar of the standalone browser window. Moreover, by removing the "IE" key in the registry subkey [HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerVersion Vector] Internet Explore defaulted to respecting conditional comments based on the version number prebuilt in the program. It is not difficult to follow the instructions and get any version of IE running in standalone along side other versions. Most of you probably know of evolt's archive of Internet Explorer which has them readily packaged in ZIP files. Now suppose you want to download them all. An installer that would conveniently automate the whole process would be great. Thanks to this comment for the idea. So I made an installer which contains IE3 IE4.01 IE5 IE5.5 and IE6

Taming Your Multiple IE Standalones

by holyver & 5 others (via)
Multiple versions of Explorer for Windows on a single computer have revolutionized CSS bug testing for websites, but sadly the different IE browser windows appear identical to the eye, potentially leading to confusion and testing mistakes. Also, Microsoft's proprietary Conditional Comments don't operate properly on these standalones, making advanced usage of CC's a guessing game. These problems have now been resolved! But first, a little background regarding the standalones.

Les syntaxes de commentaires conditionnels pour IE Windows

by holyver & 12 others (via)
Les commentaires conditionnels sont de plus en plus souvent utilisés comme substituts aux hacks CSS afin de gérer les défauts d'implémentation CSS d'IE 5.x et 6.0 Windows. Leur usage est également préconisé par Microsoft en prévision des changements apportés par IE7. Voici un rappel des différentes possibilités offertes par ces commentaires et des syntaxes à utiliser dans le contexte de documents HTML et XHTML1.0 traités en tant que text/html.


Install multiple versions of IE on your PC

by Hieroglyphe & 37 others
It is possible to run Internet Explorer in standalone mode without having to over-write previous versions.

Welcome to the new home of the eFox Web Browser

by websitepro
eFox 1.5 is a customization of Mozilla Firefox to make it look and feel more like Internet Explorer.

Microsoft updates IE after patent spat

by marco
The update changes how the browser handles Web programs known as ActiveX controls. The changes can impact how certain sites display.

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Jeremy B.
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