A beginner’s guide to building a presence on Twitter | communityspark.com
by simon_bricolo2009
Learn 3 Excellent JavaScript Libraries at Once - Nettuts
by ycc2106Introduction au contrôle de version avec Git | Blog - Maxime Bornemann
by nicolargo (via)50 Inspirational Website Introductions | webdesignerdepot.com
by simon_bricolo2008
The what, when and why of wireframes | userpathways.com
by simon_bricoloXYZs of Oscilloscopes Introduction > Application Note : Tektronix
by JJL (via)Gnu Privacy Guard tutorial, part 1 || kuro5hin.org
by mbertier2007
GenshiTutorial - Genshi - Trac
by greutThis tutorial is intended to give an introduction on how to use Genshi in your web application, and present common patterns and best practices.
very interesting template language.
Bamboo Blog - Talk @ 2: Using GIT for Rails Development
by greut[...] experimenting with Git for Rails development.
yet another reason to try it... (Git not Rails ;-D)