public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags jQuery & javascript



Umbrella JS

by Spone
Tiny and intuitive javascript library


Blink Title of Tab in Browser

by calipussoftware (via)
Did you ever notice that sometimes your tab title gets updated on it’s own while you are browsing websites in other tab. There are many websites that do it. For eg. you shall notice that GMAIL update the title tab with counter of total number of unread email, each time your receive a new email. It’s a good practice to notify your customer that – something has just happened which needs your attention. That way your customer would not loose that important task and you would not loose that customer. Sounds Great!!


Strip - A Less Intrusive Responsive Lightbox

by Krome & 2 others
Strip is a Lightbox that only partially covers the page. This makes it less intrusive and leaves room to interact with the page on larger screens while giving smaller mobile devices the classic Lightbox experience.

Strip - A Less Intrusive Responsive Lightbox

by Spone & 2 others
Strip is a Lightbox that only partially covers the page. This makes it less intrusive and leaves room to interact with the page on larger screens while giving smaller mobile devices the classic Lightbox experience.

slick - the last carousel you'll ever need

by Spone & 6 others
- Fully responsive. Scales with its container. - Separate settings per breakpoint - Uses CSS3 when available. Fully functional when not. - Swipe enabled. Or disabled, if you prefer. - Desktop mouse dragging - Infinite looping. - Fully accessible with arrow key navigation - Add, remove, filter & unfilter slides - Autoplay, dots, arrows, callbacks, etc...

DataTables (table plug-in for jQuery)

by jdrsantos
"DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table."


Learn by Doing

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Learn by Doing No setup. No hassle. Just learning.

Einfaches Dropdown oder elegantes Styling

by 84GHz
Eine moderne Website berücksichtigt mobile Endgeräte. In vielen Fällen setzen Webworker dafür auf CSS3-Media-Queries, bekannt unter dem Begriff »Responsive Design«. Auch die Navigation wäre einfach mit CSS zu gestalten, gäbe es da nicht das Problem mit der Hover-Funktion auf Touchscreen-Geräten.

Les pépites du web #2

by LuciferX
Nouvelle fournée pour la 2ème sélection des pépites du web, découvrez de nombreuses ressources de très bonnes qualités ayant attiré mon attention et qui méritent un sérieux coup d’œil.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag jQuery

2s3i +   clevermarks +   dev +   developpement +   détection +   flash +   fonts +   javascript +   js +   navigateur +   plugin +   plugins +   sifr +   swfobject +   typo +   typographie +   web +  

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