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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "lecteur d'écran" & accessibilité




The Sound of the Accessible Title Text Separator- Standards Schmandards

by Monique

To help you select an accessible title tag separator I have created a table of commonly used separator characters below and recorded the ouput from JAWS



NVDA.FR, le site francophone des utilisateurs de NVDA

by camel & 5 others
NVDA est un nouveau lecteur d’écran gratuit et sous licence GPL pour Windows 2000, Windows XP et Windows Vista. _ Cliquez ici pour une présentation générale de NVDA L’objectif de ce site est de permettre aux personnes parlant français de trouver des ressources concernant NVDA, ainsi que de pouvoir aisément télécharger le logiciel dans sa version francisée.

NVDA.FR, le site francophone des utilisateurs de NVDA

by julie & 5 others

NVDA est un nouveau lecteur d’écran gratuit et sous licence GPL pour Windows 2000, Windows XP et Windows Vista.


Choosing an Accessible CMS

by sebastien & 1 other
How do you go about choosing an accessible content management system (CMS)? What are the main criteria for success? And how to ensure ease of use for authors including screen reader users? The Centre for Inclusive Technology (CFIT), which is based in the headquarters of the National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI), looked at several popular CMSs in order to assess which would be most suitable. Our approach was to look at how these CMSs work out of the box and no complex heuristics were applied in order to simulate how many other users would approach the adoption of a CMS in the real world. The assessment method was an intuitive approach with some basic core tasks such as adding content and administration. Expert Screen Reader Evaluation by Paul Traynor CFIT.

Juicy Studio: Making Ajax Work with Screen Readers

by sebastien & 8 others
The accessibility community is understandably concerned about the accessibility of client-side scripting, in particular using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) to produce Rich Internet Applications. Steve Faulkner of Vision Australia and founder member of the Web Accessibility Tools Consortium (WAT-C) and myself on behalf of The Paciello Group (TPG) have collaborated in an effort to come up with techniques to make Ajax and other client-side scripting techniques accessible to assistive technology. The Web Accessibility Initiative's Protocols and Formats working group directly address the issue of making rich Internet applications accessible, and we borrow some of their concepts to investigate methods of ensuring that Ajax applications work with leading assistive technology products. The bad news is that it isn't possible to make Ajax work in every known assistive technology, in the same way that it isn't possible to get Ajax to work with older browsers, but we explain the fundamental issues; how to inform users of assistive technology that a change has taken place, and how they can interact with the content. To illustrate our findings, we summarise the behaviour of popular screen readers.

AJAX and Screenreaders: When Can it Work? [JavaScript & AJAX Tutorials]

by sebastien & 5 others
We've all heard a great deal of buzz about AJAX in the last few months, and with this talk has come a legion of articles, tips, presentations and practical APIs designed to explore the possibilities and try to arrive at best-practice techniques. But, for all of the excitement and hype, still very little has been said on the subject of AJAX and accessibility.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "lecteur d'écran"

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