26 February 2006
Once Upon a Time...: In Service of the New Fascism
by mikepowerBecause I plan to refer to it in several upcoming pieces, I've reposted an essay I wrote in August 2003. It analyzes in some detail a "neoconservative manifesto" authored by Irving Kristol and published that month: In Service of the New Fascism. Arthur Si
11 February 2006
Cato Unbound: Theodore Dalrymple: Is “Old Europe” Doomed?
by mikepowerI wondered what happened to old Theo after he retired. I think he moved to France which, given his views on Europe, seems a strange choice. Why not Louisianna or Texas?
05 February 2006
SullyWatch on those cartoons
by mikepowerThis was clearly done to bait the European Muslim community. If you take the right, take the responsibility.
(3 marks)