public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags library & dom



by Hieroglyphe
DOMAss is short for DOM Assistant, and the idea is to provide a simpler and more consistent way to script against the Document Object Model (DOM) in web browsers


moo.fx - size does matter

by renatolz & 18 others
moo.fx is a superlightweight, ultratiny, megasmall javascript effects library, to be used with prototype.js or the mootools framework. It's very easy to use, blazing fast, cross-browser, standards compliant, provides controls to modify any CSS property o

Yahoo! UI Library

by niko & 29 others (via)
The Yahoo! User Interface Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, HTML and AJAX. The UI Library Utilities facilitate the implementation of rich client-side features by enhancing and normalizing the developer's interface to important elements of the browser infrastructure (such as events, in-page HTTP requests and the DOM). The Yahoo UI Library Controls produce visual, interactive user interface elements on the page with just a few lines of code and an included CSS file. All the components in the Yahoo! User Interface Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.

Active users

last mark : 06/03/2008 11:41

last mark : 20/07/2007 23:02

last mark : 07/11/2006 09:23

last mark : 06/11/2006 16:46

last mark : 23/06/2006 12:50

last mark : 14/06/2006 17:57

last mark : 16/02/2006 10:36