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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & administration


Super Grub Disk

by cascamorto & 1 other
Rescatux Fixes GRUB Fixes GRUB2 Rebuild Debian/Ubuntu grub menues Check and fix filesystems Fixes Windows MBR Blank Windows password Boot Info Script ~ 303 MB Size Super Grub2 Disk Boots into many systems and GRUB2 ones! ~ 1.44 MB Size


FlashBoot: Install Windows XP/Vista/7 from USB and more

by cascamorto
FlashBoot is a tool to convert Windows XP/Vista/7 installation CD/DVD to bootable USB disk, useful for Windows installation on netbooks and other devices without CD/DVD drive. FlashBoot supports USB flash thumbdrives and USB hard disks. Also, using FlashBoot you can create blank bootable USB flash with minimal set of system files and then manually tune it for your needs, or convert a full-featured bootable CD-ROM or floppy disk to bootable USB Flash keeping all functionality. Different operating systems are supported: Windows 7/Vista, Windows XP, SysLinux-based disks, GRUB4DOS disks, Linux kernel etc.


Linux:commandes fondamentales

by elaviar
Les commandes fondamentales de Linux


InsiaAdminSys – Formation Bearstech

by camel
Administration système ¶ Il est sous-entendu que ces cours concernent les systèmes d'exploitation de type Unix, en particulier GNU/Linux, et parfois FreeBSD.

[] Accueil du site

by esion
Articles, how-to administration linux / debian

BackupPC: Open Source Backup to disk

by nhoizey & 7 others
BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux, WinXX and MacOSX PCs and laptops to a server's disk. BackupPC is highly configurable and easy to install and maintain.


Parted Magic

by cascamorto
Parted Magic is a Linux LiveCD/USB/PXE with its elemental purpose being to partition hard drives. Optimized at approximately 30MB, the Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful programs (e.g. Partition Image, TestDisk, fdisk, sfdisk, dd, ddrescue, etc.) and an excellent set of documentation to benefit the user. An extensive collection of fileystem tools are also included, as Parted Magic supports the following: ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs , jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, reiserfs, reiser4, and xfs.


by cascamorto
Les procédures de reconnaissance du matériel sous linux ne sont pas les mêmes que sous windows: en général, le matériel, est fabriqué pour windows et seulement pour windows... De plus, maintenant, souvent les disques durs externes sont fournis avec un système de fichiers destiné à windows xp, le NTFS....

[TUTORIAL] Installer Ubuntu Linux sur une clé USB « Costalfy’s Blog

by cascamorto
Changeant de société, j’ai du rendre mon PC portable que ma boite m’avait mis à disposition. (sniff) Toujours est-il qu’il fallait que je trouve une solution pour continuer d’utiliser mon Ubuntu. Seul problème, l’hardware manque à l’appel :( Il ne reste qu’un seul PC de disponible avec Windows XP préinstaller dessus. Comme ce PC ne m’appartient pas, pas question de repartitionner le disque ou même pluger un autre disque dur interne. Comment continuer à utiliser Linux dans pareil cas… suffit d’avoir une clé USB d’1Go minimum ;-) Dans les lignes qui suivent, je vais vous détailler les opérations que j’ai du exécuter pour installer une Ubuntu Live sur ma clé Corsair de 4Go. (Ce tutorial est fortement inspiré d’un How-To paru sur

NoMachine NX - Support: Documents

by cascamorto
A complete solution for remote access to your Unix workstation. It allows 2 concurrent users to connect no matter what their location is, and share the desktop. NX Free Edition is incredibly easy to install and run, leverages the competence and quality of the company that makes NX and, most importantly, is free forever.


by cascamorto & 32 others, 1 comment
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s). Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the mouse off the edge of your screen. Synergy also merges the clipboards of all the systems into one, allowing cut-and-paste between systems. Furthermore, it synchronizes screen savers so they all start and stop together and, if screen locking is enabled, only one screen requires a password to unlock them all. Learn more about how it works. Synergy is open source and released under the GNU Public License (GPL). System Requirements * Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me (the Windows 95 family) * Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP (the Windows NT family) * Mac OS X 10.2 or higher * Unix o X Windows version 11 revision 4 or up o XTEST extension (use "xdpyinfo | grep XTEST" to check for XTEST) All systems must support TCP/IP networking. "Unix" includes Linux, Solaris, Irix and other variants.

Disable the mail alert by crontab command

by lecyborg & 1 other
Q. How do I to disable the mail alert send by crontab? When my job is executed and the jobs cannot run normally it will sent an email to root. Why do I receive e-mails to my root account from cron? How can I prevent this? A. crontab command is use to maintain crontab files for individual users.

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