January 2006
GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project
by macrorondesktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.
Nautilus File Manager Scripts: Welcome to G-Scripts
by macroron & 3 othersuseful scripts for use in Gnome's Nautilus file manager.
Damn Small Linux Howto
by macroronUsing DSL from the CD. Installing DSL on the Hard Disk. Installing IceWM. Knoppix as a Rescue CD.
November 2005
October 2005
Can't Get Enough Desktops!
by macroron & 1 otherIt is possible to run multiple desktops simultaneously, and it is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.
Window Managers for X - descriptions, screenshots and configuration files for all popular window managers, along with related resources, including a news and discussion area.
by macroron & 3 othersa guide to window managers and desktop environments for The X Window System, as used mainly by Linux and UNIX operating systems.
Appeal - Appeal Wiki Home - a living experiment in progressive development and organizational concepts as applied to the KDE project
by macroronthe practices of art, usability and software development are brought together during the earliest phases of development and supported through ongoing communication and periodic in-person meetings. Appeal serves as an incubator for emerging technologies th
Plasma: KDE4 Desktop Shell: Plasma for KDE
by macroron & 2 othersDesktop computing has changed radically in the last 20 years, yet our desktops are essentially the same as they were in 1984. It's time the desktop caught up with us.
~Canllaith's Pages - Canllaith.org - Home
by macrorona KDE developer and passionate about open source software. - also an open source hacker, working on Gwydion Dylan.
K Desktop Environment - Conquer your Desktop!
by macroron & 17 othersa powerful Free Software graphical desktop environment for Linux
window managers for x
by macroron & 4 othersguide to window managers and desktop environments for The x window system.
(14 marks)