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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mac & client


Git GUI Client for Windows Mac and Linux | Axosoft GitKraken

by srcmax & 1 other
The downright luxurious Git client, for Windows, Mac & Linux. Cross-platform, 100% standalone, and free.




Waveboard – Google Wave Client for iPhone and Mac

by nhoizey
"Waveboard is a client software for Google Wave for both Mac OS X 10.5 and iPhone OS 3.0 ." NetNewsWire 3.2 beta

by nhoizey
NetNewsWire 3.2b6 syncs with Google Reader, adds a new Send to Instapaper command, and shows off a brand-new app icon by RogueSheep.

CoRD: Remote Desktop for Mac OS X

by nhoizey & 2 others
CoRD is a Mac OS X remote desktop client for Microsoft Windows servers using the rdp protocol. It is easy to use, fast, and free for anyone to use or modify.

aMSN - Opening your communication

by ycc2106
aMSN is a free open source MSN Messenger clone, with features such as: Offline Messaging, Voice Clips, Display pictures, Custom emoticons...


by ycc2106
Multi-protocol Proteus is an Instant Messenger that uses the IM framework libpurple and is written using Mac OS X's API Cocoa. Proteus attempts to bridge the gap between functionality and beauty, using native the Mac interface with a powerful core to get your hard core instant messaging done.



by nhoizey & 14 others
FlickrLeech, once an extremely popular way to search Flickr content, is now available for download to your PC or Mac! No more downtime or server issues.


by nhoizey
JollysFastVNC is a VNC client. AIM to become the best VNC client on the Mac.

Eternal Storms Software presents: flickery

by nhoizey
flickery, c'est comme iPhoto, mais pour Flickr...

Photonic: A Flickr desktop client for Mac OS X

by nhoizey & 2 others
The answer to effectively organizing and uploading tens, or even hundreds, of photos to Flickr is to use a desktop application specifically designed to help you accomplish this task. Enter Photonic.


MacFreeware, tous les freewares sur Mac OS X !

by nhoizey
Colloquy est un client avancé IRC & SILC qui remplit bien son rôle. Il supporte AppleScript, est extensible grâce à des plug-ins, se personnalise à souhait, intègre des émoticônes, classe vos ami(e)s dans une liste de contacts, supporte le tél...

CocoaMySQL - A MySQL GUI for Mac OS X

by fredbird & 2 others
CocoaMySQL is an application used to manage MySQL databases (locally or over the internet). It lets you add and remove databases and tables, change fields and indexes, view and filter the content of tables, add, edit and remove rows, perform custom queries and dump tables or entire databases. See all of its features here!

Mac OS X S3 Browser

by nhoizey & 3 others (via)
S3 browser is a Mac OS X administration tool for the Amazon S3 data storage service. My goal is to build a small application useful in itself for developers or users subscribed to the S3 service, but also to provide example code showing how to access S3 through the REST API in a OS X Objective-C client application, on top of OS X technologies (Keychain, URL loading system, ...).


MacFreeware, tous les freewares sur Mac OS X !

by nhoizey
Colloquy est un client avancé IRC & SILC qui remplit bien son rôle. Il supporte AppleScript, est extensible grâce à des plug-ins, se personnalise à souhait, intègre des émoticônes, classe vos ami(e)s dans une liste de contacts, supporte le téléchargement (et la reprise d'un téléchargement interrompu), et bien plus encore ! Colloquy a été designé pour avoir l'esprit et l'apparence d'une application pour Mac OS X.

MT-NW Manual: MT-NewsWatcher

by nhoizey
MT-NewsWatcher is a Usenet news client for the Macintosh. Usenet is a globally distributed news network over which many thousands of people distribute messages every day, and which contains discussion groups on virtually every topic under the sun. MT-NewsWatcher allows you to quickly and efficiently target the articles you wish to read, with sophisticated yet easy to use filtering, searching and sorting features. The program also makes viewing and saving binaries from newsgroups easy, and works transparently across multiple news servers.

Flickr Desktop Client Application Gleam - Mac Flickr App - Flickr App OSX

by nhoizey (via)
Gleam puts the fun back into Flickr by giving you an easy and fun way to upload your photos. Batch editing metadata? You bet. Geotagging? Yeah, we got that. Let Gleam make managing and tagging your photos easy.

Pathway - About Pathway

by nhoizey
Pathway is an app designed to solve the aforementioned problems. Its aim is to help you discover Wikipedia without having to worry whether you'll have enough time to read everything you want, or if you'll get lost. It accomplishes this by presenting you with a graphical "network" representation of your visited article pages.

BitRocket - Mac OS X BitTorrent Client

by nhoizey & 1 other (via)
BitRocket is a Native(Open Source) BitTorrent client for Mac OS X. At the heart of it's core resides the powerful libtorrent BitTorrent library. BitRocket is aimed to be a good alternative to other Mac OS BitTorrent clients.

CocoaMySQL - A MySQL GUI for Mac OS X

by nhoizey & 4 others (via)
CocoaMySQL is an application used to manage MySQL databases (locally or over the internet). It lets you add and remove databases and tables, change fields and indexes, view and filter the content of tables, add, edit and remove rows, perform custom queries and dump tables or entire databases.

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last mark : 29/06/2016 15:33

last mark : 06/01/2010 10:00

Jeremy B.
last mark : 19/07/2009 09:19

last mark : 22/03/2009 15:39

last mark : 16/01/2007 10:46