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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mac & google


Managing updates in Google Software Update - Google Help

by sbrothier
Managing updates in Google Software Update Google Software Update is responsible for updating Google applications running on Mac OS X. By default, Google Software Update currently checks for new updates once a day. While this works well for most users, some individuals may desire more control over when updates occur. For these users, Google Software Update offers the ability to change the frequency of update checks or turn off update checks all together.


BusySync - Sync iCal calendars over your LAN and with Google Calendar

by sbrothier
Share iCal Calendars on your LAN With BusySync it's incredibly easy to share iCal calendars with family or coworkers on your LAN without the need for a dedicated server. BusySync is a Mac OS X System Preference Pane that runs in the background and adds calendar sharing capabilities to iCal. Shared calendars can be viewed and edited by multiple users, and changes are instantly published and synchronized with all users on the network. You can even make changes to shared calendars while offline and your changes will sync when you reconnect to the network.

movist - Project Hosting on Google Code

by rmaltete & 1 other
Movie Player for Mac OS X based on QuickTime & FFmpeg


telephone - Project Hosting on Google Code

by keusta & 2 others
phone is really easy to use. It’s for the Mac

1er Twunch Metz « La Moselle sur le web

by kemar
RT @Passyr: #TWM 1er #twunch #Metz infos ici -- inscriptions ici (19 participants) RT PLZ [from]


Waveboard – Google Wave Client for iPhone and Mac

by nhoizey
"Waveboard is a client software for Google Wave for both Mac OS X 10.5 and iPhone OS 3.0 ."


Official Google Mac Blog: Google Calendar now supports Apple iCal

by kasi77 & 1 other
The Google Calendar team is proud to announce the public release of our support for the CalDAV protocol. You can now use Apple iCal with your Google Calendar, so you can work even when you're offline, sync almost instantly, respond to invitations from others and see the free/busy data of your friends and coworkers.

calaboration - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
Utility to configure Google Calendar as CalDAV calendars in iCal

BusySync - Sync iCal and Google Calendar - from BusyMac

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
BusySync lets you share iCal calendars on a LAN and sync iCal with Google Calendar

mathusalem - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
Mathusalem is a robust and unintrusive backup system for Mac OS X Leopard, which can be used either as a System Preferences pane or directly as a command line tool.

Recherchez vos documents Google Documents sur votre Mac avec Spotlight

by kasi77 & 3 others
Vous possédez un Mac et vous utilisez Google Document. Voici une application qui vous permettra de rechercher des documents et signets présents sur votre compte Google en utilisant Spotlight. Cette utilitaire se nomme Precipitate, il a été développé par Stuart Morgan de chez Google.

Google gets serious about the Mac

by jeanruaud
In the "20 percent time" that Google employees have to work on projects of personal interest, it turns out that an increasing number are spending time writing open-source projects for their beloved Macs.

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Xavier Lacot
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