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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mac & system

2015 - unpkg

by sbrothier (via)
I dislike .pkg files on Mac OS X. I don't like how they can touch any part of the system they want. Many times the installer files are useless anyway; all they do is make sure an app is installed in /Applications, for example, which I can handle myself, thank you very much. So this utility simply unpacks all the files in a package. Very handy, and GNU GPL free too!


Type rendering: operating systems « The Typekit Blog

by sbrothier
As we dig into type rendering on the web, we’ll begin by looking at text rendering engines. We are all familiar with operating systems like Windows and Mac OS X, but within each OS are smaller, specialized components available for use by applications like web browsers. APIs such as Core Text on Mac OS X, and DirectWrite and GDI on Windows, are examples of these components and are responsible for rasterizing fonts’ vector outlines. Let’s examine screenshots of web type as rendered by each of these APIs, and talk about the application independence of rendering engines.

Pixelated or fuzzy icons in Snow Leopard | MacFixIt - CNET Reviews

by sbrothier
A number of Snow Leopard users have been complaining of blurry and pixelated icons showing up in the Finder. A growing thread on the Apple discussion boards outlines this issue, where instead of the large and crisp icons that are so prominent in OS X, the system shows grainy and low-resolution versions of them, regardless of the icon size being used.


GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery

by sbrothier & 17 others
Welcome to guidebook, a website dedicated to preserving and showcasing Graphical User Interfaces, as well as various materials related to them.


Parallels Desktop for Mac

by ycc2106 & 6 others
Run Windows, Linux, and more side-by-side with Mac OS X on any Intel-powered Mac, without rebooting. You can even drag-and-drop files between desktops!

Grading the New Font "Features" in OS X Leopard | Typographica

by sbrothier
Apple announced a October 26 release date for Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) today, along with more detailed information on the new system, including over “300 New Features”. Let’s look a little closer at the features in the Fonts category and give them snarky grades based on their potential value.

The PortableOSX Project

by ycc2106
PortableOSX installs a full or stripped down version of Mac OS X 10.4 TIGER to a mobile device, such an USB2 or FireWire drive. The resulting OS X installation can be bootable by both Intel and (recent) PPC Macs. It can also generate custom Mac OS X insta

Apple and Microsoft renew font licensing agreement

by sbrothier & 1 other (via)
From TypeCon2007, a press release congratulates Apple and Microsoft for extending an agreement on cross-licensing fonts.


Le blog de NicoLargo

by nicolargo
Blog perso sur informatique (fedora, mac ...)

MBS: TinkerTool

by mitchellchan & 3 others (via)
TinkerTool is an application that gives you access to additional preference settings Apple has built into Mac OS X. This allows to activate hidden features in the operating system and in some of the applications delivered with the system.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag mac

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