public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags maps & geolocalisation


OpenGeo : Home

by Spone
The OpenGeo Suite is the fully-integrated open source geospatial platform for serving maps and data through web applications, mobile devices, and desktop clients.

A List Apart: Articles: Take Control of Your Maps

by Spone & 4 others (via)
We live in the era of Google Maps. What started off as an impressive refresh of Mapquest-style maps now fuels web mashups. With APIs official and unofficial, Google Maps is simple enough for front-end designers to embed and for back-end programmers to target. Along the way to becoming nearly ubiquitous, it has played a major role in the “democratization of mapping.” For the practical developer who wants to add geospatial information to a site or application, the Google Maps API has been an easy call.

TuxMobil: Linux Applications for GPS Navigation & Geographic Maps

by Spone
This is a survey of Linux applications (almost all of them are Free Software) for navigation with laptops, notebooks, handhelds, PDAs and mobile phones. They are useful for bikers, car drivers, ship and air plane navigators and others. Additionally there are map conversion tools and links to freely available maps for GPS devices.


CloudMade Makes Maps Differently

by Spone & 4 others
CloudMade helps you make the most of map data. We source our maps from OpenStreetMap, the community mapping project which is making a free map of the world. Our aim is to continue the democratization of geo data and to expand access to open geo data through a range of simple yet powerful tools and APIs. Our tools and APIs allow developers to create rich interactive experiences on the web and mobile.


Mapnik C++/Python GIS Toolkit | Welcome

by krachot & 5 others
Mapnik is a Free Toolkit for developing mapping applications. Above all Mapnik is about making beautiful maps.




by Fulcanelli & 8 others
Tout sur la cartographie online, la géolocalisation, les médias localisés, les mashups (Google Maps et autres API)


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last mark : 16/03/2010 20:01

last mark : 19/02/2008 10:27

last mark : 02/12/2007 14:21

last mark : 11/11/2006 16:17

last mark : 20/11/2005 01:01