public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags microsoft & aol


Yahoo Formally Rejects Microsoft Bid [SearchEngineWatch]

by kuroyagi
"AOL doesn't have its own search index, but licenses Google's, so an AOL tie-up would likely see Yahoo keep its search and search ad operations. AOL has been investing heavily in advertising technology, adding Tacoda (behavioral targeting), AdTech (ad serving, big in Europe), Lightningcast (video ads), Quigo (contextual ads) and Third Screen Media (mobile ads) to its newly formed Platform A business, built around the base of its ad network."


antecipate: An IM game of Go

by François Hodierne

In spite of their desire to make us believe that something truly revolutionary had been achieved, Microsoft and Yahoo! have only managed to set the foundation for a larger IM island. A 350 millions inhabitants’ continent perhaps, but an island still.


AOL Buyout in the Works?

by jmaddock
The future of AOL hangs in the balance as Time Warner is reportedly entering talks with several major companies, including Yahoo, Microsoft, and Google.

Propaganda !

by Roberta & 1 other
<i>Sous couvert d’une action de services publics avec conférence au Sénat (alors qu’il suffit d’y louer une salle...), Microsoft, AOL et bien entendu un fabricant d’anti-virus, Symantec, lancent une grande semaine d’information pour la sécurité. Bonne idée. Dommage que tout cela sente la propagande à plein nez.</i><br/> Non seulement cela relève de l'action de propagande, mais en plus, c'est fait avec l'aide d'institution officielle !!! Beurk, mon dîner ! Et après qu'on ne s'étonne pas de problèmes avec le sujet des brevets logiciels dans ce cas !


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