deck.cc - articles - Native vs Html5 Mobile Applications
by Xavier LacotClients actually demand native apps even while most of them could easily be implemented using html5. As my background is in web application engineering, this breaks my heart.
Mobile Developer Survey, June 2010 | Appcelerator
by Xavier LacotAppcelerator surveyed 2,733 developers from June 15-17, 2010. This survey goes into detail on the perceptions for each of the six major OS platforms: Apple (iOS), Google (Android), Palm/HP (webOS), Microsoft (Phone 7), Nokia (Symbian/Meego) and RIM (BlackBerry).
Lifeblog: Mobile was nowhere at Les Blogs - why?
by smudie"I think everyone understands the things that can be done with the mobile, but the view is as a little PC, not as a something with specific benefits, strongly tied to pocketability and mobility and usability."
(6 marks)