03 January 2006
davidflanagan.com: January 2006 Archives
by ecmanautI believe you might want to widen the scope of the question a bit, too -- while you might be able to get read access to nodes prior to a completed page load, write access support varies among browsers. Mozilla has no problem with inlined scripts doing, fo
31 December 2005
Optimization of Accessing JavaScript Object
by ecmanautYour published results would be more valuable if you published anything about the test domain (i e what browser make(s) and version(s)) and methods you have used, to come to these conclusions.
28 December 2005
Panoramio » Blog Archive » It can’t be so hard…
by ecmanautYour work has lots of merit, and the automated leak detection is certainly another dazzling prospect. Thanks for the ecmascript hint; while I would not likely write that kind of code myself, it's a useful bit of knowledge to possess.<br><br>And happy holi
Panoramio » Blog Archive » It can’t be so hard…
by ecmanautIt certainly does, and with lots of eager anticipation of any other bits or pieces to come out of either project.<br><br>I would have lots of use for a tool to do just custom formatting of code (and am a bit too lazy to hack any of the C parsers on offer
27 December 2005
Panoramio » Blog Archive » Javascript compressor
by ecmanautOh, lookie; there <i>is</i> a comments feed; hooray! :-D *subscribes*<br><br>(I sloppily missed it earlier as there was no autodetect code in place for it.)<br><br>I've been poring through and tweaking the Google Maps code numerous times too, but it has a
Panoramio » Blog Archive » It can’t be so hard…
by ecmanautgzip(1) is the best javascript compressor available, putting the HTTP standardized, content preserving, Content-Encoding:gzip functionality to excellent use. If it <i>is</i> compression you're after, anyway, that is the best route to go. Innerjoin has a n
12 December 2005
HedgerWow's Blog - Simulating text-overflow on Firefox with unobtrusive Javascript.
by ecmanautWow; good work! Could you elaborate a bit on the involvement of mouse events in this solution; I find it somewhat puzzling and quizzical.
HedgerWow's Blog - Initialization in Javascript
by ecmanautThe onload handler handles some things that the crude case of the other two do not, perhaps most importantly guaranteeing that the entire document has been loaded and parsed (so, for instance, entities such as document.body is available in most browsers)
30 November 2005
Tags, Categories, Technorati
by ecmanautI don't believe Blogger executes any PHP code in Blogger templates, though; you're pretty much limited to javascript, and to get that to work with an RSS feed, the feed needs to be fetched from the same domain as the blog itself.
How to make XmlHttpRequest calls to another server in your domain
by ecmanautWhile this approach does seem to at least partially work in current mozillas (I just tested on Mozilla 1.5, windows), it's far from stable.<br><br>Your bridge solution, on named setup, recursively creates new frames for every new call (which has the poten
29 November 2005
Panoramio » Blog Archive » Javascript compressor
by ecmanautAm I the only one around who thinks option <b>2</b> is the <i>only</i> good choice of the above? Options 3 onward don't primarily address the speed problem, they put an end to the openness and reusability feature that makes the web such a good place to be
25 November 2005
Ajaxian: Getters and Setters in JavaScript
by ecmanautThis may come out a bit harsh, due in part to the late hour. I always find it a bit unfortunate when influential blogs mention powerful concepts like these, though, without a context of when or how they can be put to good use, rather than making code hard
23 November 2005
Browservulsel: Blogger backlinks the custom way
by ecmanautHow simple and robust it became if one didn't bother with the custom foldable bits Blogger offer for folding and unfolding the backlinks, which I took to doing of my own with what little Blogger offers in scripted provisions for that. I really ought to st
Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog
by ecmanautLove your work, Greg, and thanks for the beautiful tutorial; it's a very comfy way into the match indeed. One feature request: <a href="http://www.lysator.liu.se/%7Ejhs/blog/ecmanaut/2005-11-23/fetch_query_tag.txt" rel="nofollow">add an unescape() of the
(14 marks)