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Setting Up Master-Master Replication On Four Nodes With MySQL 5 On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other (via)
This tutorial explains how you can set up MySQL master-master replication on four MySQL nodes (running on Debian Etch). The difference to a two node master-master replication (which is explained here) is that if you have more than two nodes, the replication goes in a circle, i.e., with four nodes, the replication goes from node1 to node2, from node2 to node3, from node3 to node4, and from node4 to node1. Since version 5, MySQL comes with built-in support for master-master replication, solving the problem that can happen with self-generated keys. In former MySQL versions, the problem with master-master replication was that conflicts arose immediately if node A and node B both inserted an auto-incrementing key on the same table. The advantages of master-master replication over the traditional master-slave replication are that you don't have to modify your applications to make write accesses only to the master, and that it is easier to provide high-availability because if the master fails, you still have the other master.

DLFP: Groupware OBM et Webmail MiniG, paquets Debian

by camel (via)
Il y a quelques temps déjà, un nouveau site web pour OBM ( a été mis en ligne, afin de présenter ce logiciel qui permet à ses utilisateurs de stocker, organiser et partager rendez-vous, contacts, courriels, liens, documents et des modules complémentaires de type gestion de projet/planning. Ce fut pour nous une volonté de faire partager ce projet pour lequel la communication n'était pas à son maximum. Depuis nous l'enrichissons afin de partager nos connaissances et de faire de ce Groupware une véritable alternative aux solutions propriétaires. L'un des avantages d'OBM est l'utilisation d'autres logiciels libres pour assurer les différents services d'un goupware (Cyrus, Apache, Postfix...). Cependant, pour les non-initiés, cet avantage se transforme souvent en plusieurs semaines de galère pour réussir à installer un OBM complet. OBM nécessite une certaine expertise dans beaucoup de services associés à OBM (Cyrus, Postfix, MySQL ou PostgreSQL, Java/Tomcat...). Il y a plus de 6 mois, nous avons travaillé avec des développeurs Ubuntu (et nous continuons toujours) pour publier dans Ubuntu Hardy (et maintenant Intrepid) une version packagée d'OBM. Nous nous sommes vite rendu compte qu'inclure un tel logiciel dans une distribution est pour l'instant infaisable. Pouvoir remplacer un fichier de configuration d'un service par celui dont a besoin OBM, n'est pas simplement faisable, voire impossible pour certains services. C'est pour cela que dans Ubuntu il n'y a que la partie "web" qui est pour l'instant intégrée. Nous avons quand même développé tous les autres paquets des services qui gravitent autour d'OBM. Nous espérons intégrer au fur et à mesure tous les paquets d'OBM, quand cela sera possible. Nous sommes donc heureux de vous annoncer la mise en place d'un dépôt Debian (Etch) pour une installation complète et vraiment complète d'OBM. La version disponible est la dernière version stable, la 2.1.11. Il faut souligner que ces paquets sont conçus pour un serveur dédié à OBM. Nous espérerons que grâce à ces paquets vous serez nombreux à installer et utiliser OBM : deb etch obm À vos claviers ! Il est temps d'installer un OBM, en quelques minutes ! Voir ci-dessous pour faire vos retours et tester aussi MiniG, une version alpha d'un nouveau webmail.

Check Your Mysql Server Performance with MySQLTuner -- Debian Admin

by helmeloh & 1 other
MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability. Within seconds, it will display statistics about your MySQL installation and the areas where it can be improved. It’s key to remember that MySQLTuner is a script which can assist you with your server, but it is not the solution to a badly performing MySQL server. The best performance gains come from a thorough review of the queries sent to the server, and an evaluation of the MySQL server itself. A qualified developer in your application’s programming or scripting language should be able to work with a MySQL database administrator to find improvements for your server. Once the server and application are optimized well, you may need to consider hardware upgrades to the physical server itself. This is a really useful tool for helping to optimize MySQL performance.Understanding the various my.cnf variables and how they affect performance can seem really complicated but this tool takes some of the pain away and makes it easier to understand the effects of each variable.It is especially useful to be able to see the global memory usage, memory usage per thread and the maximum possible memory usage - that is really valuable information that is otherwise complex to calculate.

Check Your Mysql Server Performance with MySQLTuner -- Debian Admin

by camel & 1 other
MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability. Within seconds, it will display statistics about your MySQL installation and the areas where it can be improved. It’s key to remember that MySQLTuner is a script which can assist you with your server, but it is not the solution to a badly performing MySQL server. The best performance gains come from a thorough review of the queries sent to the server, and an evaluation of the MySQL server itself. A qualified developer in your application’s programming or scripting language should be able to work with a MySQL database administrator to find improvements for your server. Once the server and application are optimized well, you may need to consider hardware upgrades to the physical server itself. This is a really useful tool for helping to optimize MySQL performance.Understanding the various my.cnf variables and how they affect performance can seem really complicated but this tool takes some of the pain away and makes it easier to understand the effects of each variable.It is especially useful to be able to see the global memory usage, memory usage per thread and the maximum possible memory usage - that is really valuable information that is otherwise complex to calculate.

Preventing MySQL Injection Attacks With GreenSQL On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other
GreenSQL (or greensql-fw) is a firewall for MySQL databases that filters SQL injection attacks. It works as a reverse proxy, i.e., it takes the SQL queries, checks them, passes them on to the MySQL database and delivers back the result from the MySQL database. It comes with a web interface (called greensql-console) so that you can manage GreenSQL through a web browser. This guide shows how you can install GreenSQL and its web interface on a Debian Etch server.

How To Set Up A Load-Balanced MySQL Cluster With MySQL 5.1 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
This tutorial is based on Falko Timme's tutorial for MySQL Cluster 5.0. It shows how to configure a MySQL 5.1 cluster with five nodes: 1 x management, 2 x storage nodes and 2 x balancer nodes. This cluster is load-balanced by an Ultra Monkey package which provides heartbeat (for checking if the other node is still alive) and ldirectord (to split up the requests to the nodes of the MySQL cluster). In this document I use Debian Etch 4.0 for all nodes. Therefore the setup might differ a bit for other distributions. The two data nodes were x64 to use all of the 8GB RAM. Servers were compiled from source so you should be able to make it running on any platform. The MySQL version I use in this setup is 5.1.24-rc. It's a release candidate, but I wanted to use 5.1 to take advantage of Memory-Disk Based tables. Beginning with MySQL 5.1.6, it is possible to store the non-indexed columns of NDB tables on disk, rather than in RAM as with previous versions of MySQL Cluster.

Installing Lighttpd With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel & 1 other
Lighttpd is a secure, fast, standards-compliant web server designed for speed-critical environments. This tutorial shows how you can install Lighttpd on a Debian Etch server with PHP5 support (through FastCGI) and MySQL support.


Setting Up Master-Master Replication With MySQL 5 On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
Since version 5, MySQL comes with built-in support for master-master replication, solving the problem that can happen with self-generated keys. In former MySQL versions, the problem with master-master replication was that conflicts arose immediately if node A and node B both inserted an auto-incrementing key on the same table. The advantages of master-master replication over the traditional master-slave replication are that you don't have to modify your applications to make write accesses only to the master, and that it is easier to provide high-availability because if the master fails, you still have the other master.

Mail server Debian Etch Postfix Virtual PostfixAdmin MySQL Courier Maildrop Amavisd-new SquirrelMail MailZu

by camel & 1 other
This HOWTO enables you to build a complete open source turn-key email server in a matter of hours (instead of days or weeks). In one sense it is more like one big script that requires intervention. It can be considered a howto if one reads the contents of each patch and script I provide.

The Perfect Setup - Debian Etch (Debian 4.0) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
This tutorial shows how to set up a Debian Etch (Debian 4.0) based server that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters: Apache web server (SSL-capable), Postfix mail server with SMTP-AUTH and TLS, BIND DNS server, Proftpd FTP server, MySQL server, Courier POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc. This tutorial is written for the 32-bit version of Debian Etch, but should apply to the 64-bit version with very little modifications as well.


Debian Admin Step By Step Tutorials and articles with screenshots

by david23
This website is focusing on step step tutorials with screenshots in debian linux Includes basic Linux commands, Debian installation & setup, package management,webserver issues, security, and networking.One mor important thing is it is having Linux Live CD's screenshots.

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