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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mysql & dev


Why does Quora use MySQL rather than NoSQLs?

by nhoizey
"The primary online data store for an application is the worst place to take a risk with new technology. If you lose your database or there's corruption, it's a disaster that could be impossible to recover from."

BitNami :: MAMPStack

by nhoizey
"BitNami MAMPStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications. It includes ready-to-run versions of Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin and required dependencies."

NoSQL - MongoDB et PHP: Première approche - La Ferme du web

by delavigne & 2 others
s bases de données, il sera possible d'effectuer des requêtes dynamiques pour récupérer vos données, définir des index pour améliorer les performances, insérer des données et les mettre à jour etc. La grande différence avec MySQL, c'est sans doute l'absence de tables. En effet, vous n'aurez pas à créer un schéma de BDD à respecter. Tout est dynamique, vous pourrez à tout moment créer de nouvelles propriétés, sans pour autant perdre en performances ! Pour comprendre, rien de mieux qu'un exemple pratique. Comparons MongoDB et MySQL sur un exemple simple



Comment bien gérer la montée en charge d’une application web ? | Simple Entrepreneur

by nhoizey & 2 others
Voici quelques pistes qui seront particulièrement utiles à ceux qui développent une application dans un environnement LAMP (Linux, Apache, Php et MySql) ou RoR (Ruby On Rails). Il s’agit en fait des retours d’expérience de sites comme Flickr, Digg

gotAPI/JavaScript DOM

by roulian
Instant search API in HTML, XML, JavaScript DOM, CSS, Ruby, Rails, Java, C, PHP, Python, ActionScript, Flex, Ant and more!


MySQL AB :: MySQL GUI Tools Downloads

by parmentierf & 1 other
This is the MySQL GUI Tools Bundle for 5.0. It includes the following products. * MySQL Administrator 1.2 Generally Available (GA) * MySQL Query Browser 1.2 Generally Available (GA) * MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1 Generally Available (GA)

Accés SPIP aux tables externes et jointures - SPIP - Contrib

by hobbes (via)
Comment accéder avec des boucles SPIP à des tables non SPIP dans un squelette SPIP...

Dan Grossman : Handling UTF-8 in JavaScript, PHP, and Non-UTF8 Databases

by nhoizey
Dealing with characters outside the ASCII range on the web is tough, since text needs to move through so many places without being mangled, from user input, through JavaScript, into and out of PHP and string manipulation functions, into and out of db

Going dynamic with PHP

by parmentierf
Add flexibility to your application with dynamic objects

MySQL AB :: Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL

by mbertier & 13 others (via)
What I would like to focus on in this article is a different approach, commonly referred to as the Nested Set Model. In the Nested Set Model, we can look at our hierarchy in a new way, not as nodes and lines, but as nested containers.


O'Reilly Network -- Open Tools for MySQL Administrators

by parmentierf
This article is about tools to discover and monitor the state of your server, so I won't discuss programs for writing queries, designing tables, and the like. I'm also going to focus exclusively on free and open source software.

Free PHP scripts and classes

by PêUR & 4 others
Some useful PHP classes and snippets.


by remouk & 2 others
PHP Data Persistence and ORM Tool

Cheat Sheets

by camel & 7 others
cheat sheets (also known as reference cards) that you can print out and keep by your computer. There is a cheat sheet for just about anything and we aim to have the best coverage of cheat sheets available on the web.

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