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PUBLIC MARKS with tags office & webdesign

November 2007

Web Worker Daily

by springnet & 6 others
If you have the itch to work from home but not as an employee, how about checking out StartupNation’s Top 100 Home-based Businesses?

May 2006

voo2do : simple, beautiful web-based to-do lists

by slogoo & 52 others
你可以利用voo2do做到以下几点:# 组织计划任务# 跟踪时间并提醒# 通过email添加任务 # 发布任务# 像纸一样简单易用# 有好的AJAX界面# 提供API# 改进个人生产力

Custom Domains

by slogoo & 13 others
Domains.Live.com这一个新的免费邮箱的服务. 微软推出的! 1. 可以创建20个用你的domain的邮箱 2. 每个邮箱空间 250M 3. 可以从web查看邮件 4. 垃圾邮件拦截 5. 病毒扫描和清洁邮件功能 6. 无缝结合MSN即时

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag office

business +   entrepreneur +   freelance +   lifehack +   productivity +   springnet blogmarks +   startup +   webdesign +   webdev +   work +  

Active users

last mark : 13/11/2007 23:14

last mark : 30/05/2006 02:13